• You can't give a house cat a bath. Cats have a natural aversion to water, likely due to the fact their ancestors were desert dwellers in Africa. Also, their fur is really not designed for swimming from an evolutionary standpoint. You might have to take them to the vet to be sedated for that. Or there are dry options. Try mixing sand or corn starch into their fur and then brushing it out. But never use something like Baking Soda (it's too harsh). • If you keep old fishing poles in your basement and you live with cats, you have to cut the hooks off. They are too much of a temptation for your cat to bat around like a toy. Then reattach them when you go fishing. You know fishing line is cheap, but the vet isn't (if your cat should injure themselves by hitting it). • Dry food is the most healthy choice for a cat. The mother of my friend in GS used to give her many cats raw liver. I don't know about that. But for anything that isn't clearly recommended for a cat, you have to consult a vet IAE. • Spayed cats aren't just less likely to have litters. Operations fail. Always prepare for the worst, and assume your kitty can still have litters. And they're healthier too. And it cuts down on a lot of their natural predatory behavior (including spraying their "territory" in your house). • Cats need less attention than dogs because they are more independent. But that doesn't mean they need no attention. But it has to be on their terms. Always remember that. • All my cats have enjoyed being inside 24-7. But my aunt had a cat that definitely did not. Be careful if you have to let them out though. They must be spayed. And they must NOT be declawed. That last one robs them of their natural ability to defend themselves. Also, I've noticed my cats think of my basement as their natural outdoors. If your cat doesn't like being inside all the time, maybe all he needs is something like that. Try it. • You can't discipline at cat. If you think you've found a way, you'll have to tell us cat owners. If you don't want them in a room, just close the door, etc. They are a lot like human babies that way. Of course they have different needs from a human baby. I've also heard negative reinforcement might help for the room thing, like an electrified mat. I've never tried that. But it does sound a little inhumane. Also. If your cat is peeing in the wrong places, like the bathroom sink, it might be because he or she has a UTI. • Cats never seem to get along with dogs. It literally does seem to be in their genes. Actually, it's the dogs that don't seem to like cats. So let your dog know early on he/she is supposed to respect the rights of cats too. He'll probably take that lesson thru the rest of his or her life. Including if someone owns your cat after you.
Where to pet a cat and where NOT to pet a cat! Apparently most cats love to be pet on their heads. Think of mama cat licking her kittens. They also like a gentle rub under their chin and on their cheeks (be careful of their whiskers!) A pet on their back is fine too. Never rub their bellies or pet or grab their tails!