
Discussion in 'History' started by tink, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. tink

    tink Member

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    Ok so i have no idea where to post this. I had an over the summer assignment in my history class, and i cant figure out the first part of it and I was thinking maybe you guys could give me some ideas. It is In what ways has the media succeded in empowering students to participate in democracy? Thanks in any way you could help!
  2. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    advertising of (if not the) media's most powerful tools is advertising
  3. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    The increase in TV coverage (since the 50's) gave protests a greater political impact than before.
    The coverage of protests give/gave students (even those too young to vote) a way to influance the actions of government.
  4. you could also very easily write a paper from the other point of view.....
  5. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    yes i agree, the media tends to trivialize protests, severely underestimating the number of people & claimimng the 500,000 organized protesters are a small handful of disorganized trouble makers, & then tend to make a bigger point of showing the counter protestors waving flags even if there were only 5 of them.
    i'd say the way media got young studentds involved in democracy is by being outwardly biased forcing kids to turn to the indi media for truth & the medias portrayal of everything just pissed em off enough to make them active

    but then again i dont concider mindlessly pulling the republican lever without even thinking about whos running or what they stand for as being active in democracy so if thats what you mean then u can say yes the media brainwashed them & removedtheyre ability to think
  6. tigerlily

    tigerlily proud mama

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    well this made me think of mtv's rock the vote campaign. mtv does a lot around election time that is geared towards young adults.
  7. tink

    tink Member

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    thanks everyone the essay is meant to be from both sides but this view was the harder one for me to get a grip on.

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