
Discussion in 'Christianity' started by logchopper, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. logchopper

    logchopper Member

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    i recently read "the davinci code" be dan brown..... it makes alot of sence to me. he gives substantial evidence and i kind of believe it. its all right in front of us. what do you guys think about this? i think after reading this book we all need to open our eyes more.
  2. Burbot

    Burbot Dig my burdei

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  3. logchopper

    logchopper Member

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    i can not help it that you live in a box.
  4. Burbot

    Burbot Dig my burdei

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    no, i meant i edited my post and deleted it...

    i posted somethign, but then i opted out, just cause i haven't read the book, even though i know quite a bit about it
  5. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    i havent read it either so i think you need to explain what you mean allittle further

    ps but i have read a very thought provoking book by w b yeates called "a vision" that was a geometric design for..well..everything..confusing but well worth reading ;)
  6. logchopper

    logchopper Member

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    oh......... my bad. i thought you were implying that you wanted this thread deleted. but seriously, you should read this book. not only is it a good fiction story, its a good non-fiction story as well, its hard to explain. i think anyone who is into history,art,religion, or politics, regardless if you like to read or not would like this book, its just awesome.
  7. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    so..what do you need help with?
  8. Burbot

    Burbot Dig my burdei

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    the only things that the author says are non-fiction are the descriptions of the art, artifacts and churches...

    the rest is basically right from his mind...i dont know why everyone is making a big stink about it, on both sides...

    how catholics [and lots of other christain groups] are mad at it cause it "challanges" their belifs and is "anti-catholic" as some say...and the the non-christains are all "ooo, Jesus had a baby, ooo, Mary was His lover"

    frankly, i slightly sickens me and i dont really want a part in it...i may read it, but i dont know
  9. nitemarehippygirl

    nitemarehippygirl Senior Member

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    that book sucked, if i may be blunt.
    it was worse than a harlequin romance. no wonder it stayed at the top for so long. ever notice how the top-ten books are all really really crappily written? what's wrong with people?
    i bought it at an airport when i had nothing left to read and was disappointed that i spent my money on it when i could have bought something cooler.
    there's so much good writing out there, but people stick with unoriginal murder mysteries and typical romances, you read the first chapter and pretty much know where the book is headed. same with all the 'mainstream' movies out there.

    anyway, brown himself has answered conspiracy fanatics about this like a hundred times - it's a work of fiction, it's a work of fiction, it's a work of fiction.

    if you're really interested in it, though, there's a brand new counter out there,
    called "Cracking the Da Vinci Code", and see what you think after reading that.
  10. logchopper

    logchopper Member

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    it implies that jesus was married, and gives good substantial evidence with art, and history that leads me to believe it is true. it says that because of not wanting to be second to a woman, the church and govt covered up this by making mary magdalene( the woman he was supossedly married to) a prostitute. which makes sense giving the fact that all the world was for a while was a facist world who believed women couldnt do anything, and no that they are letting them do more, if life was a game they would be kicking our asses at it. but when i think about it, it wouldnt have hurt anything for jesus to be married and have a kid, because saying that there was something wrong about jesus being married and having a kid is like saying there is something wrong with normal people to do the same. and we cant go along with that can we? dont we strive to be as close to being like jesus as we can? that would be an easy way to start. you should really read the book though and you would be able to discuss it more. maybe a mod can make this a sticky so we can further discuss when you read it more.
  11. logchopper

    logchopper Member

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    exactly. if it is just a work of fiction then why is the church making such a big deal about it? are they that worried that a work of fiction is going to totally destroy their religion? the artwork, history and everything is true, you can look at it yourself. and since it is true, you cant just say that the art and history is just a mere coincidence. a HUGE coincidence at that. just read it and youll know what i mean.
  12. nitemarehippygirl

    nitemarehippygirl Senior Member

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    you should study the history of the church, i bet you'd find it very interesting.
    check out your local library for some good christian histories. there's tons that you probably didn't know, and you'll be getting it from somewhere a little more reputable than an unexceptional murder mystery novel.

  13. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    This book is home to the fictional section of the library.
  14. Burbot

    Burbot Dig my burdei

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    ok, because Da Vinci believed something, it must be true...[no im not just jumping the gun, i know all about how Mary is in his Last Supper, and also how he is as well (he is on our far right, the guy with the white beard)]

    the reason the catholic church is raising a stink about it is, well cause the same sort of reason many Jewish leaders were raising a stink about Mel's 'Passion'...because it makes them look bad...
  15. logchopper

    logchopper Member

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    i know its fictional, but you cant quite understand what i mean until you read it. even though it is a fictional book, you have to agree that the art descriptions and history lessons are a little fishy just to be thought up, right?
  16. nitemarehippygirl

    nitemarehippygirl Senior Member

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  17. logchopper

    logchopper Member

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    yes, but not only does the book suggest he believed something but that he was hiding something. now, if he believed something and was hiding something, then that means there has to BE something, whatever it really is, i believe all the evidence is there, whether its in his fictional book or not. and by the way, he isnt the first person person to suggest this. i believe the first attempt at brining this into daylight was not a fictional book but more like a history book.
  18. Burbot

    Burbot Dig my burdei

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    no, the first attempts were the knights templar [although they weren't really on the forefront of open-ness to the public]...

    if you have evidence that i have a shiny gold coloured metal, and i hide my shiny gold coloured metal, does it make it gold?
  19. logchopper

    logchopper Member

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    no. but as smart as da vinci was dont you think that he wouldnt have waisted his time trying to hide something that wasnt what he said it was? all that time he waisted he could have done more artwork.
  20. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    I disagree with it. There are too many errors in it, historical and Biblical. And it wasn't even written by professors.

    Other than that, you have fun reading it! :)

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