I know this one is the little bit off topic under this category. I am trying to resurface our old tennis court. Any DIY lovers here please help me. I am trying to make it using an Epoxy coating. please Share some tips on this topic. Thanks in advance
My Advice Would Be......Consult A Professional In That Field.......Methinks Asking A Group Of Drug And Alcohol Fueled, Burnt Out Old Hippies, Is Not The Ideal Way To Keep Your "Balls On The Court"....... Cheers Glen.
I heard that applying Epoxy coating will eventually fade out due to UV exposure , but I am not sure about this.
Somebody needs to go collect those balls on the left side of the photo before anything is applied to the surface....
Demo the old courts and put in clay tennis courts. Much more fun to p!ay tennis on clay courts cause you can slide.
textured emulsion home depot. its probably like 20/60 for 5gl.. you put it on like you do a driveway.. nothing hard about it..
Don't know why you guys called me Spam. I am a real Human. Regarding that picture, I just googled for a good tennis court and found that one. Just pinend it with this post as it picuture can sometimes talk a lot.
i think the question is, why did you come here to ask...i mean sure you might run into someone that knows about this stuff here, i for example used to make the epoxy coating you are talking about. that being said wouldnt a search on google about surfacing tennis courts be a better use of your time rather than hope someone on a hippy site might have some info?