Hello, I’m new to this website I just wanted some advice. This post is kinda nsfw also but I guess that’s implied under sexual health. Im 20, i have a vulva and I’m having a lot of difficulty. I’m not asexual, because I do get turned on, but none of it is pleasant for me. I like girls physically and that is all normal, but I hate my body and I hate the feeling of being sexually turned on. I honestly couldn’t care less if I never had to masturbate again, actually I’d really appreciate it. I know that sounds unhealthy but i have a serious sensory processing disorder and therapy never helped. It is so overwhelming and it takes me a long time to get off because im just in such mental pain even if I physically feel “good.” Can anyone help me to feel it at least less often than 5/7 days of the week? Sometimes it’s constant but i try to avoid it as much ad possible. It is so unpleasant it feels like a waste of an hour and my sleep schedule is already so difficult. Any help is appreciated! Thank you.
It all sounds like a hormone imbalance to me. What you describe should be somewhat normal during your peak fertility periods, but it should not be so pronounced as to interfere with your daily life. It may just be a passing phase, but if it continues, you will need to make an appointment with a specialist. Hormone imbalance seems to be on the increase in the west and as yet, no real culprits have been found for triggering it. Type 2 diabetes seems to have some connections.
https://familydoctor.org/condition/sensory-processing-disorder-spd/ This is one link that may help you understand your problem a bit better. This site looks to be of interest. https://www.mavenclinic.com/forum/posts/12753/sensory-processing-disorder-and-life-and-sex Come back if not and I will look mfor help.