Help with long-distance cuckholding

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by sidss, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. sidss

    sidss Banned

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    First of all this isn't for me, this is for my best friend and his gf.

    I've never met his gf, but they've been dating for a few years, most of which has been long distance. now he wants to try being cucked? they have a really strong love even im jealous of so im not worried about them breaking up so dont complain about that pls. me and my bf have a similar relationship, I have other partners in bed, but we literally live together so it's very different and I don't want to give the wrong advice, plus his gf is not nearly as open as me.

    They both agreed this would be good for their relationship so I want to help him as he has helped me before. his gf doesn't wanna go far, the furthest she would go is a handjob apparently, or cuddling naked. to me this is really weird cuz the whole point is sex when sharing but whatever.

    i asked him since sex isnt the reason here what he wants to see her do/experience and he said:
    go on fancy dates and build a connection (where she actually talks to them consistently and is excited to be with them and dresses sexy for them etc.)
    kiss/physical contact
    hj + cumshot (maybe bj if she really likes the guy) - with guys who he hopes are bigger than him

    so far shes getting dating apps to see if she can find someone she likes. but shes found a guy on social media who shes heavily simping over and has a crush on already and he says that really turns him on, so that's one option where she'd go as far as a bj. from this im getting he likes the idea of her being romantic with other guys, not just sexual.

    so how does he help his shy gf explore her pleasures and build romantic connections with new guys? or any ideas for her to spice things up for them by cucking him? she cant go to bars or whatever btw, theres a strict lockdown where shes from, but after that she's down to go on dates.
    Muleskinner likes this.
  2. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    Learning how to do something you are shy about eventually represses that shyness. So if she is really willing to try dating other men while staying connected in the relationship there are things she can do.
    • Send profiles of possible men who she might be interested in dating while making him wonder which one she might go with.
    • Having bf select dates for her out of a list created by her.
    • If she moves forward and dates one texting pictures of her getting ready to go.
    • As she's getting dressed she can tell bf how she's going to fuck the date.
    • Then during the date text the bf while giving the date oral or a hj.
    • The date might let her call and talk with bf while she's jacking or sucking the date.
    • If she is willing to go further she can text or call bf while being fucked.
    • If daring enough, with the dates permission, pictures of a cock in her mouth or pussy sent or texted while happening.
    • Now if she gets this far she can save the condom full of semen and send it to bf.
    • Or she can fuck the date bare and send bf pictures of her cum filled pussy.
    • And follow that up by sending him her cum soaked panties.
    • If she's real bold she, again with dates permission, can video the whole thing or skype it live as she sucks or jacks dates cock or even as he slides into her pussy, fucks it hard, and leaves a creampie.
    But the gf has to be on board with doing this. Tell best friend to not force her with a guilt trip into doing this. It has to be done mutually. Since there is a distance between them some of the above items can be acted out without actually doing. Like getting ready to go on a date and skyping bf as she's getting dressed but not actually going. Even telling bf what she pretends to do on the date (suck, fuck, etc.) Making lists and selecting possible dates. Even texting bf while pretending to be on a date, sucking a cock, or fucking. There's a whole bunch of activities that can be shared as a cuckold relationship that can be left as a fantasy due to the distance between them. But true cuckolding needs to have actual contact with other men by mutual consent.
  3. sidss

    sidss Banned

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    thanks barry, and dw i made sure he got her full consent, she knows shes inexperienced and wants to help him fulfil his kink. i appreciate ur list but remember he wants her to build a romantic connection as well, and some of ur suggestions involve her fucking other guys which she said she wouldnt do, and pls keep in mind she cant go on dates cuz of lockdown, theyre both bummed out by that but it is what is is theyll have to work around it. but some of what u said would probably be great when she does go on dates and finds a guy she can build a connection with, and can send him pics/text him how shes sucking the guy or giving him a hj. i'll sugggest the acting out thing to him, but they agreed they prefer real physical dates/contact.

    ur first 2 ideas sound great for them, ill relay that, but i'll keep taking any other ideas that fit their limits :)
    Sambone likes this.
  4. Sal611

    Sal611 Members

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    I wish my partner agreed to things like this. Does your friend's gf have an ex-lover she could try to hit up again? They can talk and even online, and maybe their old romance can resurface a little, share some sexy pictures with each other. This should get your friend what he's looking for, his gf would have already had a romantic connection to her ex and should be able to rekindle it a little.
  5. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    You should know that cucking is all about the female having sex with an outside male or bull while the male partner watches or waits at home. Romance isn't usually a part of the equation. The cuckold enjoys one or several aspects of his female partner being sexually involved with other men. There's jealousy, compersion, humiliation, submission or just the thought of a lover being with another man. Candlelight dinners, flower bouquets, and such aren't considered in most relationships that experiment with cucking. Sal611 suggested bringing an old flame that she may still hold some romantic feelings into the relationship. That might be the best approach as a bull that would be a viable candidate may not care to romance the female.
  6. sidss

    sidss Banned

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    thats perfect but i dont think she has an ex lol. i think thats kind of why he wants to be a cuck too so she can get experience or something. maybe an old crush or something but thanks ill suggest this to him.
    Sambone likes this.
  7. sidss

    sidss Banned

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    yea thats what i was confused about too when he first told me. but i get it tho cuz my other partners have taken me on romantic dates and trips even without my bf, (we did end up having sex of course), but my bf still liked the lovey-dovey things me and my partners did. he says since its long distance he probably wont be able to watch and shes not comfortable going that far anyways, so he wants to see her with other guys in every other way. yea i'll pass on sal's suggestion.
    Sambone likes this.
  8. Romper

    Romper Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    He wants her to go on romantic dates? This won't end well for him.
  9. sidss

    sidss Banned

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    as i said in the original post, they're on track to even be married later so breaking up is not a possiblity, by "romantic" they both want to do this for fun so pls lets not debate that topic :)
    Sambone likes this.
  10. Romper

    Romper Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I saw what you said in the original post. But he has no idea what romance his fiancé may find in the new relationship. This won't end well for him. Best he not go there.
    Sambone likes this.
  11. sidss

    sidss Banned

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    i'll pass it on
    Sambone likes this.

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