anyone have some ideas on where i can get decent clothes for a 14 yo? stuff not made in sweatshops? any sites you recommend? or if anybody here sells teen stuff, plug a link, i'd love to support forum family
gyspyrose rocks .... also ummm hehe and i know a place cute stuff also dont know if they do sweat shop stuff but got some cute things so might wanna read into it more is but yes ebays a good choice... and last but not least <--- i might have spelt that wrong... good luck
Right on!!! i'm gonna check them out when she gets home from school! thank you! seems to me with teens growin out of clothes so fast they should have swap sites...dresses. seems like i get her a dress for a dance and she wears it only once.
Again self promotion- Also try eBay or Gypsy Rose, all depends on what size she takes. Check out local thrift shops, then you don't have to pay a lot for something she won't wear long. ~Angelica~
Hi there, My website is It is owned by myself and I have friends that sell their stuff on the site too "Support Kind Independant Artist" Much peace, ...Diana