Hey there, I am new to this forum and just really in need of some desperate advice:I I have met a girl and we have been getting pretty close and are planning on spending a night together soon and well I am basically lacking experience and its making me really nervous.This girl amzing cool, hot and experienced and likes to take charge (Which I love the idea of),whats getting me worried is returning the favour as I have never been down on a another woman or fingered another woman.I don't think I want to tell her about my lack of experience but I dont want to be a dissappontment. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!:2thumbsup: I know I could really fall for this girl andI really want us to have an amazing night together, really dont want to let her down
Relax hun ... it's nothing to get anxious about. Think of what you enjoy, and try it out on her. Odds are, she'll enjoy it (or some of it) too. Observe her reactions and try to figure out what she's enjoying the best, and focus on that. If she tells you there's something she especially likes, you'd better believe it ... Best of luck, and enjoy yourself
Hey, every person (gal and guy) were at some stage virgin. We all have had the anxieties you have. I'll tell you a secret - learning about sex the "hands-on" way, as you want to is not only the best way, but the greatest fun you can have. Just go with what happens and enjoy yourself. We all been there!
Here you go sweetie! This is the best guide you'll ever read. http://www.autostraddle.com/how-to-have-lesbian-sex-for-the-first-time-nsfw-sunday-special-120445/
:2thumbsup: :2thumbsup: That article was the funniest and most accurate and realistic take on lesbian sex ever. Lots of books try to give women an idea, but it's all flowery and P.C. Thanks for sharing!