Help please!!!

Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by dreads069, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. dreads069

    dreads069 Guest

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    Hey I'm 14 years old im a male (only reason why i say that because people said i looked like a girl before)

    Anyways I Want To get dreads but i have a problem.... I Don't really like the big ones that are big i like the nice tight Btw im not expecting to look just like his im just wondering if u can get i can get them tight skinny ones where there's alot of dreadlocks Like this [​IMG][/URL][/IMG]

    Is that possible with my hair?


    People have told me it and people told me only black people can because there hair is different from white peoples if i can't get dreads like that i'll just cut my hair im trying to avoid the big dreads that most white people have and if this is possible witch i highly doubt it is what method will i have to do and how hard will it be to maintain and what accessories will i need?
  2. dreads069

    dreads069 Guest

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  3. Bubbletonic

    Bubbletonic Member

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    First question was going to be do you have Afro textured hair..... but you already answered that. I can't see your hair... at all... in that picture that you've posted... but put it this way, there's a reason you haven't been able to find a picture of someone with Caucasian hair like that to show as your example.

    For the sake of being thorough I will say you could make thin dreadlocks out of Caucasian hair... they wouldn't have that texture, but you can make small/thin ones.... they'd need to be crocheted to hell and back and would require a mad amount of maintenance to keep them looking thin and to stop them all joining together. So much work on such thin dreadlocks would probably kill them anyway.
  4. dreads069

    dreads069 Guest

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    Thank you for your answer i appreciate it im just gonna cut my hair i doubt my cousin would do all that work for me once again i appreciate u for being honest with me its a shame that i cant have dreads like that i was gunna get dreads like that dye the tips white or red
  5. queenofthesavages

    queenofthesavages Member

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    Hey, I'm white and I have decently thin dreads?

    Its certainly possible.. just required lots of maintenance and separation x

  6. dreadzyahhmann22

    dreadzyahhmann22 Member

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    me personally, i dont do ne maintainance except seperate, and wash. no need for crochet, it takes time. just gotta have patience.
  7. dreads069

    dreads069 Guest

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    you have some nice dreads :p but i want them thinner and skinnier then that and i want alot of them i dont want the big ones
  8. Smelly D

    Smelly D The Dreaded Plumber

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    my dreads were super thin before i started to join them together into fatties. not that thin, but the thickest was about 7-8mm
  9. SadieScarlett

    SadieScarlett Member

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    Hers are a good representation of how thin you'd be able to get I'd usually advise, if you want your dreads to look a specific way you have to be prepared to pit a LOT of effort in, or just don't bother

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