Help Needed With Altered State Of Consciousness

Discussion in 'New Age' started by zipzone, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. zipzone

    zipzone Guest

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    Hi folks. Im very much attracted to the paranormal. I desperately want to reach altered state of reality. As of now, I try doing it by closing my eyes and meditating on the darkness surrounding me. This method is one of the many given in 'Vijnana Bhairava Tantra' manuscript from ancient India. But usually when I do this lying on bed, I drift into sleep and enter dream state upon which I have no control. The dreams I see do not reflect my true desires at all. They tend to be highly irrelevant most of the time. How do I gain control over all these and experience the higher state of being that truly fulfills my deepest desires?
  2. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    According to Advaita Vedanta there are three states of human existence: Wakefulness, dreaming sleep, and dreamless sleep.

    Both the waking and dreaming states are known by the presence of objects and a knower of objects, that is both are states of mental activity.
    When objects and the knower of the objects are believed to be two separate entities, desire will always arise.
    The object of this desire is always to be desire-less.

    The only time true desire-lessness is reached is during the period of dreamless sleep.
    In dreamless sleep there are no objects and no one to know any objects. The self, the three directions and time itself cease to be, while in that state.
    Upon regaining the waking state, after a period of dreamless sleep, one is always rested and refreshed as the realm of no desire and ultimate peace has been experienced.

    The state of dreamless sleep is the underlying principle of the waking and dreaming state, as both of those states exist in the realm of time, subject, and objects.
    As they exist in time and space they must progress from moment to moment.
    As they progress from moment to moment an interval between moments must occur. That gap between moments is the same as the state of dreamless sleep. It has no time or spacial properties and is always present in the waking and dreaming states.

    Therefore there is no need to gain control of anything once you realize that you are always in the state of higher being; from moment to moment.
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  3. zipzone

    zipzone Guest

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    Yes I fully the source level, we all exist in the highest state of being.. but I very much want experience phenomena like astral travelling, lucid dreaming, teleportation etc..what kind of meditation would help me achieve tbis? I have experienced lucid dreaming on a couple of was a wonderful experience...but i don't know what really triggered lucid dreaming...
  4. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Some say there is a fourth state - turiya - which is both a combination of, and at the same time beyond the three basic states. Super-consciousness.
  5. zipzone

    zipzone Guest

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    Turiya is a state attainable by the Yogi's of the highest order. Its a state of supreme bliss where you dont need anything. I'm attracted to a somewhat lower state of existence, symbolised by Lord Indra and all his Mayajaal (web of Maya). I very much want to be a Maayavi (master of Mayajaal). A kind of a free spirit who can perform and enjoy feats like astral travelling, teleportation etc..
  6. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The fourth state, turiya, would seem to be beyond the human realm.
    In dreamless sleep, upon awakening, we still retain the notion of who we are, and we can be summoned from the state of dreamless sleep which indicates that the ego is still present, but "suppressed".

    Turiya would be, in my opinion, only experienced after leaving the human realm. There would be no return as the same individual that departed.

    As far as attaining mystic powers...why?
    Just more desire.
  7. zipzone

    zipzone Guest

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    Yogi returns from turiya state but such souls will be so detached from worldly pleasures that many such yogis do not even wear clothes, and eat very small amount of food barely necessary for sustaining their physical self.
    Mystic powers...I love to possess them! I believe its great to be a free spirit...We get entangled in the physical realm and forced to believe this is everything..but there is so much beyond...which we miss because we dont believe in it...
  8. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    "I love to possess" - That's the problem.
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  9. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    yea who wouldn't.
  10. KITTvsKARR

    KITTvsKARR Members

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    I love to possess! That's your first problem.

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