Say "no" once in a while and that problem will go away. If he won't stop then maybe he isn't a person you should be with.
I'm a sex addict too. Now if I could only find a girl that will have sex with me 11 times in a row. Hypersexuality is a disease!
i hope you are doing okay, dear. it sucks when love doesn't work out, and even though you do have an old soul and were deeply in love with him, that doesn't mean that you won't one day find love with someone else...when i was your age i was with my first love, and we were pretty much engaged because we talked about being together forever, being married, having kids, etc. but it didn't work out. i felt like the world was going to end, but then i got a chance to be single for awhile and discover who i really am and what i want with my life, and also what i want in a relationship with someone else. you must be happy with you before you can be happy with anyone else. hopefully this will be a similar lesson for you. you may have an old soul, but you are a young person who needs life experience. a chapter has closed for you, but think of another chapter of your life opening. be happy and explore life, and you will be truly happy. *HUGS* -amy
thank you for being so sweet to me. i don't understand why people decided to bring back my old post. it really hurts. is there a way i could delete it anyone?- so i don't have to deal with mean people anymore?