So, I'm writing the erotica portion of a story. I pretty much wrote the whole thing and I'm uninspired at this point. I would put this in writer's forum but I'd like answers. There's this really weak spot where it says, "he plowed away". I wrote this awhile ago and left it to sit, but I need to submit now. When I read that part I just thought there's no way I wrote that...but I did. I need something way better than that, but I'm so damn tired of this part of the story at this point. Can anyone help?
I just want to say thank you to everyone who took the time to help me with this. I stayed up all night, wrote something completely different, reviewed some people's stuff and finally figured out how to fix the problem. I appreciate you all...or actually myself.
Nahh I'm just kidding, mostly bragging to myself that I actually finished it on my own. And the fact that I've been up all night.
I can't do all-nighters anymore... usually by midnight my brain stops being able to think well enough to bother, lol.
Well I've been oversleeping for like two weeks, just lying around thinking of all these ideas, so finally my body was tired of lying in bed and actually put words down. I don't think it will be the norm, but I'll probably be up all day today and I wanna get down like 3000 words and go to sleep early.
I can't do nicotine anymore, it gives me nausea and just a dirty feeling. Caffeine and really good music does the trick and lying around for almost 24 hours everyday for 2 weeks.
Hahaha, I know that's the worst line ever. Luckily no one will ever see it, I realized I put that in just as a filler so I can work on the other parts and come back to it later, then I forgot about that. Maybe I should use it though, as an extended metaphor and dive deeper into the act of plowing?