Hello, I am a college student in Media Studies and I need to ask hippies questions(As a person who considers themself a hippie I was interested in the subculture)The answers are due from real-life hippies This Friday could you help out Here are the questions if you can answer them It would greatly be appreciated!! 1. What do hippies value? 2. How do hippies organize? What are rituals within the hippie community? How do hippies relate to the mainstream? What are the important items in hippie culture? What is hippie language(and some examples) What do hippies take from other culture to make a hippie? How were hippies seen by others/the media at the time? Sincerely, the 2000shippie student
1. What do hippies value? patchouli 2. How do hippies organize? they don't What are rituals within the hippie community? forgetting to finish numbering their lists How do hippies relate to the mainstream? mostly through professing their love for establishment democrats What are the important items in hippie culture? bongs What is hippie language(and some examples) english What do hippies take from other culture to make a hippie? they take one rib and use it to form a new hippie. How were hippies seen by others/the media at the time? depends on which time you mean.
1. What do hippies value? Weed. 2. How do hippies organize? Weed 3. What are rituals within the hippie community? Weed 4. How do hippies relate to the mainstream? Weed 5. What are the important items in hippie culture? Weed 6. What is hippie language(and some examples) Weed... man 7. What do hippies take from other culture to make a hippie? Weed 8. How were hippies seen by others/the media at the time? Weed