Hi. I have been lurking around on this site for a while now but I felt like it had to take more by me to register. So here it is. Now I have smoked some herbs and I feel like I can discuss here now :daisy: I am a girl from northern Europe. I have always been fascinated by herbs. I love the herb, and it users. I feel like I was born in the wrong era. I really like how the 60's and 70's was. Besides that. I love the color pink, I like to write poems and paint. Also I love when it rains. Rain gives me such a nice and peaceful mood! The best thing I know is to sit outside a friends summer cottage when it rains, have some wine and weed and write down my words! Something that angers is me is how so many people always focus on bad things, whenever they meet a new person they always see the bad sides of him or her. I prefer to see the good sides. I wonder sometimes why people do this... anyway, I believe everyone has their good sides. So... yeah, this is me! And... I am a bit anonymous here due to the laws and people who might recognise me. But it is just that!
Hi there Marifana :seeya: Welcome to HF. A lot of us have to be a bit anonymous here ... don't worry about it. Nobody minds
Thanks a lot! I saw your message on my "wall". I don't know how to reply. I guess I will learn after a while :sifone: I usually learn these internet related things pretty fast
cool....a stoner from northern Europe...be sure to come by the stoners lounge chat thread and say hello....welcome home stoners lounge