Hi everybody, I am 28 years old currently living in Israel, was born in Russia. I am an Illuminist / Theistic Satanist / Luciferian / Left-Hand Path / Demonolator and an amazing Hyperhuman being that is constantly on a cosmic quest to become a God! I love to gain wisdom / programming / black metal / playing on the Guitar/tattoos / nature. I have been practicing with psychedelics many years ago and I have decided to stop as I got what I needed from them back then. As of late certain, I felt I need to dwell deeper into my subconsciousness and find some answers as I constantly evolve. I hope to meet great like-minded people here who can help me and perhaps I can be of help to them and just to learn.
Not so sure that our lil forums quite qualifies as the world but either way welcome & enjoy your time here
Welcome - Member Since:Oct 23, 2018 Messages: 1 BlackMagik was last seen: Oct 23, 2018 - Hope to see you again on-site soon