Hello old friends

Discussion in 'Psychic' started by hathor2, May 16, 2004.

  1. hathor2

    hathor2 Member

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    I got finally the hang of this new forum. Well I'm an old dog like they say.So many have changed theyr name and it is a bit confusing for me.But I am glad that Ariel (old crone) is here as well and happy to hear she is fine.

    Ariel if you read this, are you able to have your own site again on this forum?
    How is your book comming along and when can we buy it?

    I am wishing you all happiness and enlightenment. It is good to know not to be all alone.
    A big hug
  2. Dolphin~Rider

    Dolphin~Rider Member

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    Hello, new friend!! Nice to meet you and peace and happiness to you, too!:p
  3. old_crone

    old_crone Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Hi Hathor2

    Yup still here. At my age you do not run from changes so fast as you might have, so I am still trying to find me in here as well. ( LOL)

    Yes my personal forum is up, and running. At the top of the page when you log in is a list of options. Personal forums are one. Just put a post out titled Who are You. So I know its working.

    Just signed my contract for the book. Should be available in 4 to 6 months after I do the final ok on the manuscript. The book is titled "From The Heart." I will keep you up to date when it comes out. It will include some poetry, and a collection of stories and spirit journeys. Finding a way to heal the heart is where we begin to face ourselves, and find what it means to be true to self. Old wolf has a post in his personal forum waysharing about being true to self. He said it so well.

    Its is so good to hear from you. Glad you are here.
  4. Sus

    Sus Hip Forums Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oooh...I can't wait to read your book Ariel!! I'm sure it will be great!

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