Hello!! New, aimless and seeking advice

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Chziime, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Chziime

    Chziime Guest

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    Hey everyone, I haven't posted on forums since IGN when I was like 15 (I'm 24 now), but this seems to cover a lot of alternative topics I'm interested in.

    I'm a filmmaker who works in wedding videography, lives with his mom in central NJ because I'm too poor to find a place, and I enjoy exercise/lifting/biking the most.

    However, I have had chronic anxiety and depression since childhood, have an on-and-off opiate addiction (the herb kratom, specifically), and have issues with deciding how to move out and how to proceed with my life. Any place I want to move to just seems arbitrary, but I know that I want to live in isolation.

    I know that I want to travel, feel free, and love, all of which I have done before, but no feeling can really be sustained. Ahhh, it's difficult to describe myself.

    I'll post more specific questions in specific forums!!! But, hey everyone!
  2. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    Seems many people on the forums here have depression and anxiety, including myself. I'm a couple of years older than you and wish I could offer some advice, but I'm not sure I have any. I do suggest you should go travel and explore. What places have you visited?
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Yes the majority of us just ain't right ya know?
    Have fun here, it's a good forum site.
  4. Chziime

    Chziime Guest

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    This past February I was in Israel for a couple weeks, on a free Birthright trip. Once or twice a year, when I want to explore, I go to my college town of Ann Arbor, MI, which is like a playground for me. It suits my personality and makes me happy, I just would bike around for hours, but I get nothing "productive" done.
  5. Chziime

    Chziime Guest

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    It's "good" (haha) to know that there are others with depression, but ironic how difficult it is to express. I recently made a 25-minute documentary with all of my Israel footage, but with an absurdist and almost depressive theme.
  6. calgirl

    calgirl Senior Member

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    The 20s are so hard....

    Thinking back i wish someone had told me that my natural tendencies were what i should stick to. At least until there was more clarity about a specific direction. So i was in college, which wasn't natural. Working and fun were the things that would have made me more stanble (ie no anxiety or depression). I was being pressured toward college and should have waited.

    Now at 53.....i have come full circle and returned to what is naturally ingrained. The advantage to being older is that we can see and accept it in ourselves.
  7. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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