Browsed the forums a few times, seemed cool, lots of topics so thought I'd join to add my 2 cents. I'm into motorcycles, drones and diving for octopus. In Hawaii we call octopus he'e (Hawaiian), tako (Japanese) and squid. Guess I'll be checking the forums now and then, see some of you there! Aloha
Welcome, Jack. We are ready to chat. I am interested in sex life in Hawaii. I heard the Hawaiian women are too hot. Is that right?
So many hot women in Hawaii but there's hot women everywhere. Great thing about Hawaii is women are not covered from head to toe, lots of skin!
Wow, nobody covers herself perfect, sunshine and body beauty together. I imagine so much pleasure watching Hawaiian ladies God bless them. I hope no Cronavieose pandemic over there. A lot of sunshine over 132 degrees kills the Cronavirouse, that's why Cronavirous could not exists anymore over there.