Hello everyone! Since the profile thingys seem a bit too small to really explain myself i will here instead... i live for the moon, dance for the sun, love in a way which can never be broken, an over-sensitive under-achiever, i'm a hoarder of small objects, unorganised, memoryless, and am so out of touch with reality that i am always the first target once someone decides it will be fun to trip someone up. i would post a picture, but my browser doesnt like this site... so here is a weblink! www.freewebs.com/void_music/Picture 049.jpg Cariad
hey, you sound kinda like me! rad! have a day full of groovy sunshine or rain or snow or wind. man the stars are rad too.
cheers for the welcome you guys...i forgot to mention also... i'm in the UK! you seem like a great bunch of people i will start posting soon, i just have to find some time
Hello Cariad ...are you in Wales? Isn't your name Welsh for 'darling' or something similar? I called my daughter Cara as it means 'friend in Gaelic (I'm half Irish) and 'darling' in the Latin based languages. Think both names come from the same word root. Well, I'm off to write my intro now. I only joined late last night