I am a voluntarist dedicated to the principles of nonaggression. I found this place accidentally and became interested mostly because of the pro-legalization stance. Defending criminals from drug charges is my bread and butter, but I'd give up the money to see the drug war end. I'm a fan of Lysander Spooner, Thomas Jefferson, Kropotkin, and Locke. I also like Ron Paul. I'm into esoterica and dead languages.
Hi guys! I'd personally like to see the states just all nullify the federal government. I think that individual states and communities should have the right to say what they find safe and legal, not the federal government with all its special interests.
Hi again I already posted something similar on your profile page after reading another post of yours... but based on comments you've made such as the ones I have quoted from you, I think you will make a great addition to the forums :sunny: soo....welcome and have fun!
have you looked under the chairs and tables... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAbzlj3nf4E"]The Seeker by The Who - YouTube Welcome To HF...:mickey: