Hello, my name is Skeletal. I am a gamer by heart with a growing liking of art forms like anime. I am very politically minded, being that I keep up with all news relating to the subject, and also an amateur philosopher. That should suffice for an introduction, I suppose.
Greetings! Welcome to Hip Forums. I don't play video games anymore, as I sold my xbox 1 recently. Anime isn't really my thing, but I remember liking Akira at one point in my life. You will find a variety of political backgrounds on this site. We have a forum dedicated to posting about politics Politics.
To know, good sir. Only the weakest and most selfish of men can be content with a life of ignorance. Thank you for the greeting. I shall take note of that forum.
hello, i am muscular. i used to be a huge gamer, although not nearly as much anymore. and i never really got into anime, although i watched a few with friends back in the day. politics is just awful, but philosophy is cool.