hello guys i had an experience to share

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by yoni42, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. yoni42

    yoni42 Guest

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    hi guys.

    one year, I had into a psychosis state.
    but I learned alot of things about what I experience and thats what i want
    to share with you.

    I learned about the physical world and psychology, how the mind can
    effect the physical world and how the world can effect the mind.
    the thing I learned, you guys all ready know about that because
    you take psychedelic drugs and the first thing what we learned
    about psychedelic drugs is the ego.

    the ego make us thinking we are better then others or lower then others.
    the ego will separate us throw reality, make us thinking that
    reality and us are separted but it's not the truth.

    the truth is that we are not separated from reallity, we are connected one to each other,
    but the ego will lie to us and some times the lie will make us thinking that he is the truth, but it isn't.

    when the ego effect us throw psychedelics drugs or reallity, the ego will not let us to face the truth about ourself.
    we take psychedelic drugs to understand us more then we know and understand more the reallity around us,
    but psychedelic drugs will not change you, it will make you to understand new thing that was hidden about you and the physical world.

    when the ego not effect you, you will feel happy and peacefull at the end of the trip,
    but when your ego effect you in the end of the trip you can be anxiety,
    depresed or in a psychosis state and you will be not connected to reallity (that's what happen to me),
    and it depends about how much the ego control ourself.

    I will write fiew sentence about what happen to me, to prove what i mean.

    when I start to became anxiety in the car with my friends about what
    they think about me, i started to disconnected throw reallity and it felt
    like you go inside throw a blackhole, and you are nothing at all.
    in this state i was thinking that i know everything, but truth was that i don't know nothing.

    it's like reallity prove too me that he is more strong then I thinking.
    at this moment i didn't know simple quastion for example, "5+4".
    i didn't know the answer and it make me sick, deprest and then... something happen.
    I accepted this situation, that i am stupid and nothing at all (there is the moment when the ego didn't
    effect me and i accept the truth about me in this moment), when i accepted this, I was back to reallity (not complite).

    what is the lesson about that?
    the lesson is that the ego, is the lie and will make us negative fillings and thinking.
    when you will go to women, when you will learn in class, university,
    when you go to work, and the ego will effect you in the moment things will not work out well,
    when the ego is not in the moment things will work.

    we need to be happy about what we are, because in every person you can find the "bad" and "good" things,
    the bad and good are relative to each person.

    do things, not by your ego, do things by what you really are and it will work,
    and you will be the happiest person.
    we need to be thankfull about every moment in life, also if sometimes things don't work good for us,
    because we can see the good thing about the bad, and learn from the experince.
    remember, we can never control 100 persent our ego, but we can learn to
    control our ego more then the ego will control us.

    when the ego effect your though about something you want, you will not get it.
    when the ego effect your though about something you dont want, you will get it.
    when the ego don't effect your though about something you want, you will get it.
    when the ego don't effect your though about something you don't want, you will not get it.


    thank's for reading my post, hope to have some commend's :love:
  2. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    nice post.

    i can tell english is not your native language, but do not worry. it is very difficult to describe these things with language :)
  3. yoni42

    yoni42 Guest

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    thank you for your comment.
    I forgot to define have 2 diferent ego.
    the ego - you think about your self.
    the ego - how people think about your self.
    the ego i was talking about is the second.
    "the ego - how people think about your self"
    there is a big different.
    and the second ego, is the basic of mental disorder.
    thats the ego i was talking about on the post.

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