Hi, I found this group by chance while looking for the lyrics to 'My name is Jack' by Manfred Mann. I found out that not only is The Greta Garbo Home For Wayward Boys And Girls a real place, but there are people on this forum who actually lived there. Anyway, I've always lived in that curious border between hippy and biker culture and, being born in '62, always felt that I just missed out on the heydays of both. A bit about me. Went to Stonehenge in '80, '81, ;82 & '83, then Glastonbury (when it was still a proper hippy festival) in '84. Vegetarian and straightedge* since about '84, vegan since 2007. Heterosexual monogamous Truck mechanic. Live in a shack in the forest. Remarkably good looking and charismatic What else do you want to know? *I'm not bothered with the punk scene, I just don't use recreational drugs, whether legal or not.