There's a lot more to this. You may not agree with me, but it's possible that these guys, stoned off their ass, probably couldn't swim, let alone be able to save somebody. The man that drowned was mentally handicapped. I'm not sure why he was there at the lake by himself and not accompanied by a family member or caretaker. It's almost as if he committed suicide. Hey, these guys were jerks for letting it happen, recording it and putting it online. But are they really responsible because they didn't stop it? I disagree.
They were recording on their cell phones though so there is something they could have done Cell phones are pretty handy for dialing 911
That is so sad...and heartbreaking. I heard Phil Collins wrote this song about someone who just stood there and watched someone drown. i have no idea if there is any truth to the reason Phil Collins wrote this song, but I always believed it to be true.
Yep, totally agree. These guys were just assholes. All too many times, no one gets the police, or calls for help, and you can see so many things like this on YouTube. People are too busy recording instead of standing up and trying to help. It's sickening.
its a myth phil has explained many times it was just a song he made up
OK - (crosses eric off list of people who might be useful in an emergency) now we know where YOU'RE coming from Eric
Jpdonleavy, What does this gotta do with me, I didn't let anyone drown? I'm not defending what these guys did or did not do, I'm providing an opinion as to what are the reasons to why this senseless shit happened. We can agree to disagree, but how do you truly know where I'm coming from? Tell me, I'd like to hear it.
Well the court agrees with you since I believe they got a misdemeanor fine and no jail time. So about what a speeding ticket gets you in America. I don't see being unable to help in this situation. I see finding it funny that someone was stupid enough to get into that situation. Unfortunately, this instantly becomes a racial issue in America. Implying that all black people do this rather then looking objectively and saying sociopaths come in all colors. And that's what this is a fundamental lack of empathy.
The guy that drowned was black, the onlookers who did nothing to help were black. It can't be seen as a racial issue.
Feel free to look for my post with your name (3rd thread up from this one). Meant for it to go directly to you.
It is though by white people. Go find youtube video about it and see how many (I assume white) people are using racial slurs and saying the story means BLM is a lie because look at how the lives do not matter when it's only black people. This story is a confirmation of their biases. I looked at one and found 3 people in the first 20 who said "they didn do nuffen wrong Black lives matter" or something similar I assume the misspelling is to sound like they are speaking Ebonics.
That's pretty bad but no worse than this massachusetts teen who encouraged her boyfriend to commit suicide, and he DID Guilty Verdict for Young Woman Who Urged Friend to Kill Himself TAUNTON, Mass. — For a case that had played out in thousands of text messages, what made Michelle Carter’s behavior a crime, a judge concluded, came in a single phone call. Just as her friend Conrad Roy III stepped out of the truck he had filled with lethal fumes, Ms. Carter told him over the phone to get back in the cab and then listened to him die without trying to help him. Hotwater