Ewwww omg were they sticking to you???!?! Did they leave boot imprints on your feet? I am both grossed out and satisfied by this....
Yes they were sticking to me. I was actually wearing my boots for about 14 hours. But no, they didn't leave a boot impression.
I love it when socks (or other clothing) leave an impression on my skin. I have an obsession with it.
now throw some clean clothes in the dryer for 8 minutes while you take a shower and then put on the warm clothes when youre done....your mind will explode
It is weird. It is a sensory thing....and it can be typical for kids/people with ADD to have a sensitization to light, sound, touch, ect. It stems from way back when I was very little, and my dad would take off his watch, and I would be fascinated with the imprint his watch left on his wrist. It is a weird thing that is very much a part of me. A solid piece of Ash trivia.
I always give my old socks a good sniff after taking them off, the smellier, the more satisfied I am with the day.
When backpacking for over a week or two I used to wear a pair of thin nylon socks beneath a heavy pair of wool ones. As there isn't enough water to wash out the wool ones, after a few days I could just stand them up after taking them off like a pair of shoes.