Heart surgeon speaks out about what really causes heart disease.

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Bilby, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Nothing new to me, but an excellent article nonetheless.

    I am sold on the fact that sugar is and will always be the main culprit in not only causing heart disease, but cancer and virtually every other ailment that afflicts humans.

    A high carb, low fat diet is a recipe for disaster. Meanwhile, there are still doctors promoting the myth that saturated fats are bad for us and that we should limit their consumption.
  3. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    is that what it said? i agree with the part about fats made out to be worse than they really are. of course, overdoing on anything is eventually harmful. you can even overdo on vitamins to the degree that it'll be harmful to your body, but that doesn't mean the thing is harmful per se. i've never limited my fat intake, i love it. and until i see some first-hand proof that they cause health issues i don't buy into the whole idea.
  4. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    It didn't say that specifically. That is what I said.
  5. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    How many people have a tear in their knee cartlidge? simple op to put it right, yeah?
    do you know this particular op, is more likely than any other, to give you a blood clot, and then a heart attack? and it happens.
    If you have any op, be sure you understand your after care!
    How many doses of Heprin are you to have? make sure you recieve them.
    How long do you have to wear the silly stockings? Wear them!
    Would you benefit from asprin? Ask...
    Any op at all...Ask the above questions! you dont always come back!!
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Oh what a load of nonsense.
    This whole dependency on changing your lifestyle to stop diseases etc is just bullshit.
    Shit happens and to prove the point, everyone's got some one in life who fell to cancer who didn't smoke, drink or have unhealthy diets. Shit happens.
  7. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Yep, which is why i had my input! not life style!
  8. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    i don't. i don't know a single person who has/had cancer. and neither do i know anyone with a healthier lifestyle who is sick. then again my friends are in their late 20s and 30s.
  9. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    There are always going to be exceptions, but it's an indisputable fact that MOST sickness and disease is caused by diet and lifestyle. Anyone who says otherwise is simply trying to justify their own poor habits.

    The fact is, people who live a healthy lifestyle get sick less often. That isn't to say they're immune from everything, but their risk will be greatly reduced. Most (I would say ALL) of the obese, chronically sick people you see in public are not eating the rights foods or getting the exercise they need. That is why they're sick.

    Also, not everyone who thinks they're eating healthy (or who you think is eating healthy) necessarily is. There are plenty of diet choices which people perceive to be healthy but really aren't, and those diet choices are not fulfilling their nutritional needs.
  10. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor


    Many of the causes of death prevalent in the 2000's are the direct effect of behavior. Heart disease is the result of dietary behavior, and so are some forms of cancer, diabetes, etc. Many of them are controllable.

    Irminsul, obviously there are exceptions. But these people are exceptional! They are not the norm or the average. I think we focus too much attention on the people who overcome the "rule." How often do you actually notice people who aren't normal? Rarely. We notice the freaks, the oddballs...
  11. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    i read the article. it makes sense.

    human body shouldn't have any problems with natural foods, including animal fats, that's a no-brainer. our whole ancestry ate those things and that is what the human body is designed to live on naturally. we have everything in our DNA to process those foods and to deal with hazards that come from it. processed foods is a newer development. human body hasn't adapted to it, and we don't really know if it can adapt successfully. it wouldn't surprise me if a whole array of disease can be pinned on current popular diet.

    and where normally evolution would weed out the genes that can't deal with such foods and get sick, we cheat evolution by heart transplants and the like. so it's a never-ending circle whichever way you look at it.
  12. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    It'll happen.
  13. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    How is it that my health has improved over the past 6 years on a high carb, low fat diet? How is it that several of my friends have improved their health eating the same way? How is it that friends have grown up eating a high carb, low fat diet and have never had to go to a doctor for anything, besides their own preferences for just having check-ups and getting their teeth cleaned?

    I've eaten a very "healthy" high fat diet and I had so many health problems my health was almost all I could concentrate on. I really was all about every complicated health supplement that was promoted and flipping it around to focus on the simplicity changed everything for me.

    Sometimes people need temporary diet changes, there isn't any one answer for everyone at all times.
  14. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I've talked to many people who have said the exact opposite. I guess it depends on who you talk to.
  15. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    and also, people who get cancer who never smoked, they probably got it from second-hand smoking. it hasn't been till lately that smoking in public spaces has been started to ban. plenty of parents and relatives of kids growing up are still smoking and they expose kids to that. who's to say that doesn't cause someone's lung cancer years from now? just because the cause doesn't immediately follow the effect. people don't get lung cancer out of thin air.
  16. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor


    One reason why we believe the things that we believe. I try and be skeptical of purely anecdotal evidence. Not that it can't be true, but...
  17. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    what exactly were your ''health problems''? heart failure? placebo effect also comes into play here. if you think it will work, you will perceive an improvement. just like people can exaggerate and imagine all kinds of illnesses they don't really have. just quoting ''health problems'' doesn't say anything. specifics is needed.
  18. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    That's fine. The thing is I've seen the evidence of several of my friends, in person, working closely with several different issues, including my own, having trained with nutritionists and doctors.

    My issues were what could be called fibromyalgia, migraines, dizziness as well as other issues related to hypoglycemia, really bad nausea/acid reflux-like issues, and several others. I've had too many health issues to even remember. I've had several diagnosis, I'm not convinced, nor do I care whether they were correct. It's all about how my life has changed due to not having to worry about my health anymore.

    What I know is what I've experienced and what I've seen my friends experience, not to mention what my friends who work to help others overcome their health issues have experienced. I've tested out my theories by going back to eating high fat and seeing my health go downhill very quickly.

    Oh yeah, severe bleeding and cramps during menstrual cycles too. I don't have any pain anymore, it would leave me bedridden and writhing in the sheets for days. I could go into more detail but frankly I don't care to do so, I prefer to keep things private. What I'm saying is health is so much more than any news article or study will ever say. I've been in the alternative/natural health field for 8 years and the first couple were largely learning and thinking I knew everything already.

    I know that your health can change if you go from eating junk, to a "healthier" high fat diet, but for many people, it doesn't last. Lots of people who think it takes years and years to detox and tons of supplements to continue detoxing are unfortunately buying into the industry. I did the same thing myself. Nowadays I can stay healthy by eating only $200 worth of food a month and that's taking care of 3 people. The only health problem I have now includes very occasional headaches when I obviously overwork myself, and insomnia when I do the same or take caffeine for the same reasons.
  19. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    And this is exactly why I don't work in the health field, besides helping people with very basic things like breastfeeding and their own pregnancy and postpartum plans.

    When it comes to yoga, I don't really do it from an opinionated/health standpoint, I only motivate people to do what they have already chosen to do. I create meal plans for people, but only from the standpoint of them understanding and agreeing to the kind of meal plan I create for them. I have a huge understanding of nutrition, anatomy, physiology and the medical industry. Having that understanding doesn't mean anything without having experience, my own personal experiences.

    I encourage people to experiment themselves, because that's what worked best for me. I hate trying to convince or argue with people about something so personal and health is very, very personal. That is why with all of these threads and posts that PR posts on I have never, ever said anything against him, because I don't care to actually impose upon people. My opinion isn't important. But every now and then, when the statement is presented as an absolute "high carb, low fat is a recipe for disaster" I decide to speak up.

    This way of eating has been a recipe of success for me. I've been through a lot healthwise since I was 5 if not younger. I have experimented, documented, studied, helped others and been paid and thanked for it, but I choose not to do that anymore because I think it's a personal journey and personal choice to eat or believe whatever you believe about health.

    I know though, that eating a high fat diet is horrible for me and eating the way PR says is a recipe of disaster has helped me and many of my friends. It has saved many of us and made life so much better than it was before. No one has to believe me, I could care less. Those who know me can see it.
  20. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Well said, honey. Were you obese/overweight before you started the high carb/low fat diet?

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