Healthy natural brew?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Jahagafut, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Jahagafut

    Jahagafut Member

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    I'm experimenting with different ingredients to make a natural immune boosting general health drink that I can hopefully prepare and then refrigerate and have a glass or so a day. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions, additions or recipes. So far for ingredients I'm thinking grade b maple syrup, organic lemon juice, garlic and cayenne.
  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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  3. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Don't underestimate the power of good 'ole iced green tea :).
  4. david millar

    david millar Guest

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    he soy sauce sold in stores is made one of two ways: It is brewed or chemically processed. Brewed (or "naturally brewed") soy sauce is made from a special fermentation process. Typically, roasted soybeans and wheat grain are combined in a multistep procedure with water, salt and natural mold and bacteria "starters" (which work in much the same way in the making of yogurt and sourdough bread). The "mash" that forms is then aged up to two years, yielding a soy sauce that is richly colored and flavored, with slightly sweet notes. Nonbrewed soy sauce is produced in a matter of days from hydrolized plant (soy) protein, caramel color, salt and water. The resulting liquid is salty, with none of the nuances and pleasant, earthy aromas of brewed soy sauce. We prefer the first type in our recipes, because it imparts such a wonderful depth of flavor.
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  5. jaredfelix

    jaredfelix Namaste ॐ

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    PR beat me to it..
    White tea has the highest level of anti oxidants I lime to put lime and lemon juice in my tea sometimes instead of sugar. I never add sugar

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