Healthcare CEO Assassinated, Killer Arrested!

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Toker, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. Karl Buchanan

    Karl Buchanan Banned

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    The nouvous dropped like a bag of wet laundry made his money off human exploitation and misery

    Trump makes his money off of human vacations and partying

    New york courts are rankly corrupt as is anything "certain people" do, because that's the only reason they were allowed to do it. Kind of like girls voting.... you know what will happen ahead of time.
    All the cheaters that they have caught have similar characteristics that were not allowed to talk about just like all the vaccine pushers had a couple of characteristics in common that politically correct protects them from

    The "Gordian knot" was cut to solve the unsolvable problem. I think so many hands are fighting over the money that that is what is going to happen here. It's a fight way above everybody's heads for stuff they don't even think about, but it's getting close to an impasse where only a significant event is going to alter things.

    Thats the thing to be aware of. The "boom" that they use to avoid sorting it all out.
    Syria was just something they had to do before Trump could get in office, it is no world changing event, that's still to come.
    Cruiserweight likes this.
  2. Karl Buchanan

    Karl Buchanan Banned

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    Hospitals of the 70s did? I was there. People were treated with respect and dignity but they were respectable and dignified people that paid for everything and got the value of their dollar of course it was much better we just didn't have the "code blue"
    Now the system is more important than the meat the meat can be told anything and treated worse than animals and doesn't know the difference and 50% of hospital staff aren't even fit to be there because they are all imported political favors to make money depopulating Americans and take it back to whatever God forsaken shithole they came from.

    People are not people now their family has no rights and any one of those sb1 losers that wants to kill you can without accountability or question look what happened in covid and all the ventilator murder that nobody's answered for yet. It's unbelievable what they're doing with people in those slaughterhouses. But when they get it free you can do anything you want to them just like when you pay somebody for sex you own that meat - two things people never think about.

    As far as socialized medicine goes, of course when you have a country of incubator babies that have no natural enemy, you have to have a medical system that processes them out in an orderly fashion. what do they know? you just tell them they're a princess and they grin and go right along
  3. Karl Buchanan

    Karl Buchanan Banned

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    He was? He just bought a yacht while all these people got denied care and died. They were celebrating what a mass profit raker he was and how much they loved him for all the easy money

    The feckless streeties just supports anything blindly where they think they will get something free. they don't even look to see if it's poisonous, got horns, nothing. that's just the Mindless herd. It got complicated when they tried to make everybody be the mindless herd and have "Satan Care". We didn't want to.

    The joke of the century was already played. in a hundred years there will be a list of people and they will say "they actually voted for satan because they hated america and freedom sooo much!" and then they'll say
    "Bar avk v bama, "satan come as lightning" right there! They wanted to kill us all! That's why only veterans and dads can vote now. Others are too easy to fool"
    And nobody had to do anything illegal, but hype up the Democrats and give them a stick. Every time. Last time it was the farmers they fooled. That's what Democrats were 100 years ago

    and they RAN to vote for it, but they knew what they were doing.
  4. Cruiserweight

    Cruiserweight Members

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    100 years ago I think Democrats were busy founding the Ku Klux Klan, weren't they?
  5. Karl Buchanan

    Karl Buchanan Banned

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    I think that actually means medical care where they make most money
    Care where they still make a profit
    They aren't talking about the value or the care of people, it's just a money business. it's the world economic Forum, they said we need 7 billion less people and they didn't mean people that could pay for their self
  6. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    And who makes up the kkk today?
    Whirlwind83, MeAgain and fem_fatale like this.
  7. Karl Buchanan

    Karl Buchanan Banned

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    Well you can try and deflect the serious important point and that's fine with me? not only does it affirm the conservatives and their more adult thinking, it shows that the Democrats don't have it thing to stand on, so they have to resort to tactics and avoid the point....which was "they are deceived" but hey? If its them or me it was just an observation.
  8. Cruiserweight

    Cruiserweight Members

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    Beats me.
  9. Karl Buchanan

    Karl Buchanan Banned

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    Nobody needs to?

    Statistically, we have gotten rid of more Democrats every single year since Obama got put in, than ever before in our history.

    So I guess the KKK made popcorn and put their feet up and let the Democrats handle things?

    World Klan Headquarters was getting and using more work ones and letting more dope ones live around. Also being invaded by city whites bringing it all. It looked like they were over. That was 2011?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
  10. Cruiserweight

    Cruiserweight Members

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    And let the Democrats vote against the Civil Rights Amendment and ending slavery.
  11. Karl Buchanan

    Karl Buchanan Banned

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    Why do you keep jumping centuries so nobody can stay on point and arrive at something simple?

    Let me help: the Democrats used to be the white farmer when that's what we had and the Republicans were the city businessman

    A little over half century ago, LBJ said "no, now the Democrats shall be the blacks and the Republican shall be the whites and all who run with each, go with them"

    And that is how it has been ever since. So if you are saying Obama is the leader of the slave party that wants slavery, I don't disagree with you, I just want to make sure you understand that you cannot compare the Democrats of 100 years ago, white honest farmers, with the party of "everything evil united" that Democrats are now?
    That didn't make sense to anybody and nobody can reach a conclusion on that, unless you're trying to say that the Democrats are the self-extinction party? I don't disagree, I'm just trying to follow.

    Many whites do not support the oligarch thing and know that nouvous are just there to make the richest richer, before they go away and leave everybody poorer. Many other people don't support the self-destructive self-defeating things of the Democrats so they only have one other choice. They really narrowed it down to two channels one all bad and one you got a chance and that's the way people had to perceive it or did
  12. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  13. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Just a few decades ago, hospital candy stripers sold cigarettes to patients in bed.

    I spoke to the receptionist who started in 1973 at the old folks home I worked at in the 2000s. She told me the place only had 3 manual typewriters and adding machine and a ditto machine.

    When I worked there they had 14 computers and printers and fax machine and big copy-machine in the office, and big copy machine and fax on the nursing floors.

    Nothing else changed, the people got meals and clothes washed and medications and activities and smoking times the exact same care in 2000s and 1973. Bills sent bills paid the lights and heat and phones and payroll.

    I am not saying get rid of computers I am just saying something is just so wrong and the past proves we did ok without endless regulations and compliance rules.

    We are not humans anymore, everything and everyone is a fucking bureaucratic or corporate algorithm "value based care" and compliance and "standards".

    I like computers, Amazon is awesome something that would have taken a month to hunt down and get takes 2 days now like a part for one of my appliances or anything I want no matter how obscure.

    Going to the hospital or doctor sucks now. One hospital in my city has metal detectors and searches to get in I will never go there damn orwellian creep-show horrible vibe I feel sick I don't have time for this creepshow.

    I don't even think its about the coverage the shooter got, he probably thinks so himself cause he is so young but probably what made him snap was that he was not a human being everyone is just an algorithm.

    Part of the answer to our current problems is looking back and saying how have we changed for the worse.
    Karl Buchanan likes this.
  14. Bocci

    Bocci Members

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    Still plenty of TDS here I see. Don’t worry. Just keep telling yourself that the rest of us were all duped AGAIN into voting for the misogynistic, Russian puppet and mean tweeting felon who is LITERALLY Hitler. 62,400 repetitions will make it true. I promise.
    Cruiserweight likes this.
  15. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    I don't know who you think thinks you were duped. No. We know you weren't duped.

    Duped is an excuse. No. A bunch of you wanted a fascist dictator wannabe who is above the law. You voted for hatred, misogyny, transphobia, xenophobia, tariffs, and all of it. And you will own it. You're not allowed to hide be hind "duped."
  16. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Not to mention they love violence. Note how many people applaud the recent murderer.

    Healthcare bad? Kill someone instead of voting for those who will make meaningful change.
    Vote for Trump and the MAGA crowd instead, he has a concept of a health plan and has appointed drug felon and anti vaxxer RFK Jr. to be secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

    That'll fix it.
  17. Bocci

    Bocci Members

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    You give us too much credit. It’s not so much that we wanted him. It’s that we’re sick of all the other choices. The left wants to destroy our nation, economy, culture, families and, ultimately, to destroy us. The establishment conservatives want to do the same, only a little bit more slowly, and while making a tidy profit. Trump is just a big middle finger to both groups. He is not likely, however, to be able to “turn this ship around.” If the establishment left and right doesn’t allow this minor course correction that the people truly need — a pressure relief valve if you will — I suspect you may soon enough see the emergence of some new LITERAL HITLER to make all of your histrionic fear-mongering fantasies come true.
  18. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Exactly how does the left (whomever that is) want to destroy our nation, economy, culture, families and, ultimately, to destroy us.
    Examples of the policies that will do this please?

    And who is this "us" that the left wants to destroy?

    Fear-mongering fantasies? You mean like the fear-mongering fantasy that the left AND the right want to destroy our nation, economy, culture, families and, ultimately, us?

    BTW, what is this "pressure relief value" that Trump is going to trip?
    How does that work exactly?
    scratcho, Whirlwind83 and Tishomingo like this.
  19. Bocci

    Bocci Members

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    We’ve had this conversation before. I will not submit to your legalistic deconstruction of every statement and word. I will not debate what the meaning of the word “is” is. Yours is a practice that’s only purpose is to disarm and defeat and not to arrive at the truth.

    You are the enlightened one’s and anyone who disagrees is “dunning-Kruger” at best.
  20. JackHoff

    JackHoff Newbie

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    Most Klans are simply all White Churches. What does the Klan have to do with Health Care or Mangione?

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