Healthcare CEO Assassinated, Killer Arrested!

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Toker, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    it's like a foreign language these people speak but he is in this video "value based care" wtf does that mean ?

    21:52 Brian thompson
  2. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    I can tell you from personal experience, back pain will make you crazy. "oh, I have a backache" No you don't..... Constant nerve pain with no relief so crazy you can hardly move - pain killers won't touch it - they make you just not care as much about it - until they wear off. To get a spinal fusion or even disk repair, it takes months to jump through their hoops and I though I would lose my mind. Getting that fixed transformed my life at the time.
    scratcho and Toker like this.
  3. Bocci

    Bocci Members

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    I don’t think my brief description of socialized medicine was sufficient. I suspect that no explanation would do what direct experience and the contrast of the two has done for me.

    Anyway, back when I used to study such things, I believe the most utilitarian solutions were either two-tiered or multi-tiered systems. In various iterative simulations however, the conditions and quality of the lower tier(s) was always very poor.
  4. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    I availed myself of socialized medicine in Mexico and found that everyone has access to medical care from clinics to hospitals. It's a good system for such a large and poor country.

    There were good Cuban doctors who came to Mexico during COVID and stayed on. Mexico's response to the pandemic saved millions of lives. It should be a model for other countries to follow.

    Medical care should be the #1 priority of any civilized country.
    Whirlwind83 and scratcho like this.
  5. Bocci

    Bocci Members

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    I’m glad your experience was positive. I agree that it should be a very high priority in any country.

    I know from both my experiences and from studying economics, that single payer systems, though they eliminate much of the wasted overhead and profit of the insurance industry, do not deliver timely courteous care nor medical innovation like a private or even tiered systems do.

    Obamacare was a total gift to the insurance companies. Before then, my health insurance was cheap, deductible was low, and never had treatments or tests denied. Since that law was passed, costs have tripled, deductible has quadrupled, and they’ve denied physician recommend tests. As much as I dislike the current system, I know better than to think a single payer system would fix this.
  6. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    Meanwhile, thanks to Obamacare, I was able to afford insurance for the first time in my life. How is it that everyone's Obamacare experiences are so vastly different?
    MeAgain likes this.
  7. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    What insurance did you have and how much is cheap?

    If the ACA (ObamaCare) is replealed:
    20 million people will lose their insurance, many of them young adults.
    135 million with preexisting conditions will either lose their insurance or see rate increases.
    Federal funds for CHIPS. Medicaid, and marketplace aid will drop by $135 billion.
    Insurance companies will no longer be required to return over payments costing people $1.37 billion.
    The rich, who are helping to pay for the ACA, will get an average of $43,000 tax forgiveness each.
    Time limits will be reimposed for treatments, you can run out of coverage.
    Many preventative screenings will be denied.
    Medicare enrollees will see an increased cost of $26.8 billion on prescription drugs.

    The only downsides are that those that can afford private insurance pay more for coverage as the companies, in order to keep making their massive profits, have raised rates to help pay for the increased benefits of the ACA.
    You can be fined if you don;t have some kind of coverage. Without coverage the government of hospital must pay for your care.
    The wealthy pay more taxes. (Poor babies).
  8. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Bocci didn't have Omamacare, he has private insurance because he can afford it or his workplace provides it as a form of payment for his work instead of an increase in pay.

    Many others couldn't get coverage before the ACA.
    Before she got on Medicare my wife was paying a tremendous amount on healthcare coverage even though she had no issues.
    Toker likes this.
  9. Bocci

    Bocci Members

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    Yes. I pay for my coverage through my work. I’ve always had BC/BS and it was great coverage. It is noticeably less so now.
  10. Cruiserweight

    Cruiserweight Members

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    Do they actually have to "prove" it, or do they just have to convince some of the jury?

    Although it definitely looks like a slam dunk conviction, there seems to be a great many leftists who would be agreeable to not convicting. I'm been seeing some pretty joyful (or, at least, understanding) comments about the CEO "deserving" to die for heading an "evil" corporate healthcare provider.
  11. Karl Buchanan

    Karl Buchanan Banned

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    What do young people want with healthcare insurance? that's insane?
    Part of the insane modern Demon World where sometimes the demons get shot in the street for what a demon they are and nobody cares.
    But seriously did they just tell you you're depressed and sad and weak and crying and you just say "oh yes I am!"? Thats soylent green. They just taught people to be passive soylent green.
    You're already kind of putting up signs that it was something faked too. I suppose we'll see more about that.
  12. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    A couple of things. One, try and understand when someone on the right is convicted 34 times over and then becomes president to pardon himself, yes, the left is starting to wonder why the laws and rules only apply to US.

    Two, please understand the massive difference between cheering the murder of an individual and celebrating an event that has finally sparked a real national debate around corporate greed and our broken healthcare situation.

    This could lead to some much needed reform.
    Toker and scratcho like this.
  13. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Seems to me they have to get the costs down. When ever I was in a hospital everyone was sitting in front of computers all the time, how much of that is pointless box checking ?

    "As the use of technology increases in the workplace, so does the volume of paperwork. Instead of reducing complexity, the new tools always just add layers and layers of bureaucracy."

    It has been noted that too many check boxes can lead users to experience "mouse click fatigue" meaning charting becomes less accurate simply because the user is tired of clicking boxes. Conclusion For many thriving health care organizations implementation of the EHR was a nightmare.

    EHR systems were introduced to streamline healthcare processes, but in many ways, they've made the paperwork problem worse. Nurses now spend more time on documentation due to increased entry requirements, complex systems, and "click fatigue." While EHRs were intended to reduce administrative work, they lead to more documentation, requiring nurses to enter redundant or excessive information. Bureaucrats, in their efforts to enforce compliance and efficiency, pretty much always create 'unintended consequences' that add even more administrative burdens. Many EHR systems are clunky, fragmented, and lack interoperability, which further contributes to inefficiency.

    The documentation required for regulatory and compliance purposes takes up a large chunk of nurses' time—much of it on paperwork no one ever looks at again. In contrast, hospitals in the 1970s operated smoothly without computers, relying on simpler, more direct processes. Today, despite the added technology, much of the clerical work has shifted to nurses, reducing the time they can spend on direct patient care.

    THAT is the problem but they will have us in endless political arguments over private vs public health care.


    Its not going to help if we have private or public funded tyranny by complexity.

    The fake news already playing the pick your side games the CNNs vs Fox news channels all funded by the industry that will keep up the same shit no matter who 'wins'.

    The reason its such a debate is because both the solutions suck.

    Go into any hospital or health care setting what is everyone doing ? Data entry all day long, everyone is in front of computers not doing real care.
    Karl Buchanan likes this.
  14. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Trying to speak logic to a right-winger is like trying to teach a possum to play the piano!;)
    Piobaire, Toker and MeAgain like this.
  15. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    6,670 doctor of 20+ years got squeezed out of private GP practice by big conglomo medicine. My last visit with him at the new 'shovel them through' office was "well this is what you get with for profit medicine" as he sat there during my time practically typing in transcription of the physical 'transaction'. Before he would sit down with you, talk, get to discuss maybe what would keep you healthy and alive longer....those days are gone. I mean, he wasn't happy with it, it was like this is what they did to me and he'd been fighting a takeover for years.... He looked fried, too...
    Whirlwind83, Toker and Karl Buchanan like this.
  16. Cruiserweight

    Cruiserweight Members

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    President Trump will not pardon himself because he won't have to.

    He hasn't done anything illegal and the "convictions" were utter bullshit and will thrown out by a higher court.

    New York courts are arguably the most corrupt in the nation.
    Karl Buchanan likes this.
  17. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    So you're saying the answer is to get rid of computers and go back to clipboards and pens, get rid of information which may seem irreverent at the time but prove valuable later, and cut down on regulations and compliance rules.

    Oh, and fake news.

    BTW, where did you get the data that supports your contention that hospitals in the 1970s operated smoothly without computers?
    Toker likes this.
  18. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    This attitude right here.

    This is why we have little sympathy for a member of the elite being dropped on the sidewalk like a bag of wet laundry
    scratcho and Toker like this.
  19. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    We know the MAGA crowd believes that Trump can do no wrong.
    Rex Non Potest Peccare
    The king can do no wrong.
    So much for a Democratic Republic.
    Piobaire, Whirlwind83 and scratcho like this.
  20. Cruiserweight

    Cruiserweight Members

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