Healthcare CEO Assassinated, Killer Arrested!

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Toker, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. Cruiserweight

    Cruiserweight Members

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    The asshole would've gotten away with it - but he just had to be simping for some chick.

    Hard to believe how many commenters were convinced he was a "professional". :laughing:

    Here's better bachelor's take on it.
  2. Moon Goddess

    Moon Goddess Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    One of the biggest reasons that the healthcare system is so broken is because of the insurance industry. Sometimes we just need to let go of things that aren't working but in this case too many people are getting rich because of it while the rest of us suffer. Insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, medical supply companies, they are all driving up the cost of medical care because they can charge whatever they want and get away with it. If we had fairly priced medications and supplies, most people could afford health care and hospitals could afford to keep the lights on. If prices were actually reflective of the cost involved in making the products, even with a reasonable profit margin for the company producing it, it would be a lot easier for most people to save enough money, instead of paying premiums to insurance companies, to pay for their own medical care.

    Insurance has never made any sense to me because if everyone that paid for it actually got what they are supposed to from it, the insurance company would be bankrupt. The only way it works is to basically steal from their customers by denying the coverage that had been promised.

    I wonder how much extra money everyone would have if they didn't have to pay for insurance premiums?
    scratcho and Bocci like this.
  3. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    NYPD: $10,000
    FBI: $50,000
    United Health Care: $0.00

    You have to admire their consistency.
  4. Moon Goddess

    Moon Goddess Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I haven't seen a poster for the $50,000 reward but if you look closely at the $10,000 one, it says "Up to" in smaller print. Lol
  5. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    For many years I have used “advair” for asthma. Since I have had asthma since 1945, it has been live changing. It was a drug marketed by GSK at a very high cost and then the patent expired. For about 5 years the company fought the introduction of a generic. Finally a generic has been introduced and I now pay about $4 for 3 mo. Your concerns are right on.
    Whirlwind83, Moon Goddess and Toker like this.
  6. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    A vapid misogynistic incel sponsored by a snake-oil company hawking hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?
    How entirely predictable.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024
    scratcho likes this.
  7. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    Here at UHC, we're working to keep costs low so we can get you the care you need.

    No worries. Doctor Oz will fix everything. And we can get some of those unobtainium-berry supplements on the cheap, too...
  8. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    So--this mornings story about the shooter provides some understanding to me about how something like this can happen. The story has an extensive description of the mans back pain. I don't condone it--but I can see how a person can be driven to an extreme measure because of excruciating pain.
    I loved nailing up wood roofing--I was fast and good at it and I could get a job doing so anywhere and any time I wanted a job. Sitting on my left side working eventually caused my spine to curve to the right and furthermore caused a disc to fracture . The pain was horrible and I could barely function, so my girl friend drove me to a hospital in Honolulu. I had long hair at that time and the doctor that I saw asked me to stand up out of the wheelchair . I could NOT do so. He left the room and they kicked me out of the hospital because the doctor didn't believe me!! Thought I was faking. You know how we hippies are!!

    Lady friend wheeled me out of the hospital and down the street. At a crosswalk, a lady asked her why she was crying , my friend told her and the lady said --"I'll get you into the hospital in Kailua. (on the other side of the island.) She did so and I got fixed. Over the years, the pain would get bad and fortunately I found chiropractors that would get me back in shape to work. I'm retired now and still have some pain on a daily basis, but I think my brain has conditioned itself to minimize it and I'm OK. But--- I can see how horrible pain might drive someone to flip out and do something that would be unthinkable under normal circumstances.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024
    Whirlwind83 and Toker like this.
  9. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    Not only did Mangione have really bad pain, but he said he could no longer have sex due to the injury. So that plus the fact United healthcare wouldn't cover his injury is probably enough to drive someone to do something radical.

    And just before his injury he was bragging about how big his dick is.
    Whirlwind83 and scratcho like this.
  10. Moon Goddess

    Moon Goddess Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Do you really think that manifesto is real? If he was in so much pain, how was he functioning so well for the assassination and escape?

    All the "evidence" is screaming "set up".
  11. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    The link between wounded males and the Alt right would be an intriguing subject to explore on another thread. That's essentially what the Proud Boys were--millennial males living in their Moms' basements learning to stand up for themselves and to have sex with something other than their own hands. Fight Club in action. "Proud boys, stand back and stand by." D.J.T.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024
    Piobaire and scratcho like this.
  12. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    Seems to me all the evidence is pointing to guilt. He has social media footprints that antedate support the Manifesto. But he hasn't even been charged yet. As you say, innocent until proven guilty. But the conspiracy theorist's mindset will always find an alternative to the available evidence.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024
  13. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    At his court hearing and trial, his defense can present any evidence they have that the investigative evidence was planted. Then they must prove that it was.
    Tishomingo likes this.
  14. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The biggest reason our healthcare system is so broken is because the public vote for those who support private insurance.
    End of story.
    Whirlwind83, Toker and scratcho like this.
  15. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    He's probably on pain killers, which might help his defense. He has huge screws embedded in his spine, likely the reason he can't have sex, the pain of the screws!

    United healthcare probably also refuses to pay for his pain meds.

    It's amazing how this event has sparked public dialogue and acknowledgement of how badly the private health care system has failed.

    And it's created a new folk hero in the process.
    Whirlwind83 likes this.
  16. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah--he probably just wants pain meds to get high. You know how those insurance customers are. Always trying to screw the insurance companies.:screamcat:
    Toker likes this.
  17. Bocci

    Bocci Members

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    Having lived in two different countries with “public” health insurance, and used those systems, I do not believe that would improve the situation. Based on my experiences, I believe it would significantly increase wait times and reduce the available treatments and technology. It also significantly reduces the efficiency and courteousness of the staff.

    I don’t care for the private insurance system, as it currently operates, but I would not suggest that things would be better if the government “provided” all the health insurance.
  18. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm guessing he was denied because he got hurt surfing, being negligent, a pre-existing condition or some shit like that.

    Did he not pay an extra $500 a month for that extra coverage limited specifically to cover a surfing accident on a weekday in that particular cove on the nothshore of Oahu? No? Oh, sorry, Charlie!
    scratcho likes this.
  19. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    I'll take a long wait time over debt any day.
  20. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    And the ability to even get insurance.

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