Health food is all-natural? So is poison ivy. Plus as one doctor once told me, if there were any little plant, any vitamin or supplement that cured any or all diseases, they'd be unto it. Immediately. Okay, some doctors tell me it's okay if you want to supplement your medical treatment with health supplements. It is your prerogative. But it was never meant to replace it. And much of the hype surrounding it is exaggerated, at best.
There's usually 2 kinds of "health food" stores. One is just a pill shop like GNC which pushes all sorts of supplements that may or may not do anything. The other kind of health food is the "natural" one, not manufactured. In fact the less processing of the food the better. I used to buy everything in bulk and bring my own containers to the latter kind of store. The only can goods I bought were tomatoes (out of season) and canned beans. I'm almost back to that here in Mexico! But I'm not a vegan like before. And yes a real health food store will be relatively safe. Fresh produce at a farmer's market is even better cause it's fresher. It seems even scientists have finally got a clue that to eat healthy you just need the right balance of food types in moderation. And less processed as I said.
Castlemaine in Victoria, Australia is a bohemian hotspot with many writers and artists.There is a health food shop that sells mainly fresh fruit and vegetables and lists the food kilometres for each product. At farmers' markets the food is not always cheap but provides a living income to the farmer by cutting out the wholesale distribution chain. Also, a direct interaction between producer and consumer.
Im confused.. Why would they put something thats GMO in a health food store? What do they say its good for? SKIP: Its good to see you my friend.... Happy new year!!
Even if it is not GMO based, it is still one of the unhealthiest things to put in your body.Sometimes called the margarine of liquid sweeteners. Ridiculous init?
The health food asile in my market also has Pork rinds and a type of Slim jim sausage. The health food asile is more expensive than the rest of the store.