Weight - 94.5kg On target for this week. Lost one kg. Looks like my weight drops in 2kg increments - stays steady at one weight and then suddenly drops 1 to 2 kg. Dont know the reason.
Weight - 93.0 kg Lost 1.5 kg suddenly. I have increased my workout to once in the morning and once in the evening. I also watch what I eat. My creativity and sensitivity has increased a lot.
I was thinking about getting a "Fitbit" for myself. Or something similar. There's some cheaper purple ones about. Anyone use them?
My department at work bought our group fitbits. I used it all the time for a while. I have S Health on my android though and I don't need two step counters while I go about my day. I still use the fitbit while on a treadmill though, because I use my phone to read ebooks.
Weight - 93.0kg Returned from a trip. Usually I gain weight on a trip. This time it was different. I planned my food beforehand and went for long walks during the trip. The last 4kg weight have had a big effect on my appearance., Looking much better. Women are paying more attention to me - even white women. Usually white women just totally ignore me Irrespective of what the pc crowd says, the world belongs to the good looking. More doors open and more opportunities present themselves. I have also been lifting weights, so my shoulders and arms are quite strong.
I got a Fitbit surge. I'm not sure how accurate the mileage is? I haven't used the GPS but my partner also bought the same one and on our first hour walk she was 1km in mileage above what I got. So on our second walk I didn't use GPS and she did and we worked out almost similar. There are discrepancy between the Fitbit and the health app on our phones. I guess we could put two and two together and average it out for us. But considering we just forked out the money and the reviews were decent, We are going to go with the Fitbit on accuracy. I was really interested to see what my heart rate was while sitting still. It is true it beats fast when I smoke weed and until recently the doctors all said my blood pressure was high. My resting heart rate is between 50-65 and I'm really happy with that. Walking it increased to 103 only a short while. My partner isn't as physically fit at me and her walking rate was in the 115-130s BPM. I'm also interested to know what my heart rate is when I play pool, watch sports and have an orgasm.
I have the cheaper fitbit flex. The step count matches the stepcount on my S-health app on my phone, but the distance is always off from the distance on my Sports Tracker app. Howevever, my Sports Tracker app can be off by at least a few meters from my wife's iPhone health app. A few meters off on distance doesn't make much difference to me though. I never thought of checking my orgasm heart rate,. I know my heart rate would skyrocket sometimes when I smoked pot. Once, my friends wanted to take me to the emergency room when it went really high, but a medical student who was smoking with us said that it happens to a lot of people, and that it shouldn't be a problem.
I must be pretty fit, or fitter than I'd have thought. During my crunches, push ups and weights my heart rate increases to 90 and I can feel it and then I feel two or three big heart beats and it suddenly drops down to 60-70 within a few seconds. I think my muscles fatigue but not my heart.
Weight 92.5kg It seems a little difficult to lose weight now. Continuing my workout and eating routines though.
Weight - 91.5kg Sudden drop in weight. The past few workout sessions, for about a week, I was feeling a little week. The weights felt heavy. However, yesterday I felt very strong. Finished the reps easily. I am realizing that there are some false ideas in my head. One is that to be healthy I need to sacrifice by doing difficult workouts and not enjoying what I eat. Both are false. Once I get into the workout routine, its very enjoyable. I make friends with people who are healthier and my life evolves to a better level. The losers slowly drop off. The energy and lightness feel good. Food - the tastes adjust. About a week ago, I was eating a sandwich with toasted bread, tomatoes, cucumber, boiled egg, a little salt and white pepper. Not cheese, butter or sauce or any other crap. As I was eating, I thought wow the toasted bread and tomato tastes awesome. So tastes do adjust. Its not a sacrifice at all. Now, I also know approximately how many calories are in each food, how many calories I need per day, and how many calories are spend in various exerciese. Oil - one teaspoonfull of oil requires me to walk for 20 minutes. One can of coke, same thing. So now I can make more conscious decisions. I feel the food technology has moved too quickly and our tastes and self knowledge has not kept up. Hence, the obesity all around. Anyway, this is lightest I have been in several years. Congrats to me
I can fluctuate weight loss and gain as each day progresses. Typically I am at my heaviest on Monday, because I have good times on the weekend. I can be up to 4-5kg heavier on Monday and generally shed it all by Friday.
Wow, 4 to 5 kgs fluctuation is quite large. I am guessing you do quite a lot of beer drinking during the weekends
Wow, just noticed you are in Bavaria. I had an exhibition in Munich a few years back. Loved it there!
Weight 90.7 Achieved the target for the week. Went visiting several artists yesterday. All said I had lost weight. Looks like, around the 93 mark, there is a big difference in my appearance. Creativity is much higher and my energy is much higher. At this stage weight loss is easy. Exercising has become a habit. So has eating healthy. I am just not hungry recently. Yesterday when we were visiting, I ate much less than my girlfriend. That has never happened before. I am easily able to skip meals and instead eat frest fruit. At this rate I will be getting to my target of 80kg by the end of November. Feel GREAT!
Weight 91.0kg I have lost quite a bit of weight and look much better than before. Then I started wondering where the rest of the 11 kg weight loss was going to come from. Then took a shirtless selfie with muscles flexed. It became obvious. There is still a solid layer of fat on the belly. Also, even the arms, chest, shoulders etc will be getting more toned. They have some amount of fat. About weight loss - before it was kind of a fuzzy thing that I seemed to have no control over. Some mystical, mythical thing. In reality, its almost mathematical. Energy in > Energy out = weight gain Energy in < Energy out = weight loss Put in black and white and numbers. To lose 1 kg a week, I have to eat a healthy, good breakfast, a healthy light lunch and a dinner of fruits or boiled vegetables. My current routine: Breakfast - 0.75 cup of oatmeat boiled with 1 tomato, some spring onion, egg, salt and vinegar Lunch - 2 chinese corn bread (bought outside and contains some oil), with a homemade salad of 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, spring onion, salt, vinegar Dinner - 1 cup of fresh soybeans or 3 cups of boiled broccoli or some fruits Mood - I have become more sensitive and more woken up. I had done a 5000 mile hike of the Eastern Continental trail. After the hike I was very fit and found that my creativity was very high and my mood range was much wider. I could be much sadder than usual and much happier than usual. Now with the weight loss that mood range is returning. Very great for creativity. Have been producing some innovative stuff recently. But also have to watch out for the downs. Now learning - during the downs, dont mope, just continue to work and then when the down ends suddenly I am left with some wonderful products. Anyway, fat = narrower emotional range, lean = wider emotional range. In the west, many are not able to handle the wider emotional range and are abusing food, alcohol, legal and illegal drugs and looks like even facebook.
Weight - 90.0kg Losing weight now seems to be quite easy. My eating habits are now quite good - I automatically refuse any offered junk food and dont even miss it in any way. Working out has also become a habit. When I start the workout, I think "Oh, another 30 minutes of workout ahead of me". Then my mind just forgets it and then its finished and I am not even that tired.
Weight 90.0kg Missed the target for this week by 0.3 kg. This was an off week for me. Ate a bit more and worked out a bit less.
Weight - 89.0kg This is the first time in years I have cracked 90.0kg. Almost every one, I meet now say that I have lost weight. From 95 and above, people did not notice. Below that every kg seems to make a change in appearance. The workouts and eating healthy have now become a habit. Another 9 weeks and 9 kgs to go.
Weight - 88.0kg Sudden drop - dont know why. I dont want to lose weight so quickly, so yeseterday was an off day for me. No work out, but did walk quite a bit as my bicycle is now screwed up. Also, ate a little more yesterday.
Weight 85.5kg Sudden drop. Things I have found recently - if I eat rice the short term weight goes up probably because rice soaks up a bunch of water. Meat - stays in the body much longer, so higher short term weight. Alcohol - although its supposed to remove water, I have found it to be the opposite - weight goes up. Only about 5 kg from target now. Most of my old clothes are now quite loose. I am able to run non stop for 40 minutes. My creativity and effectiveness if very high. I have lost the desire for fats and meats. 85 kg is a major milestone and will be celebrating with home cooked healthy chicken and potatoes and one can of beer.