Health diary

Discussion in 'Deadbear's Gym' started by svrart, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 95.5kg

    Went shopping in local markets for about 3 hours yesterday. Was quite tired by the time I came back. Ate noodles for lunch. I ordered a small bowl - probably the first time in my life. For dinner had some vegetables.

    Today morning went walking and had a good breakfast.

    My weight has dropped 6.5kg in 5 weeks, or 2.86 lbs per week. This rate is too rapid and I want to slow it down. My aim is to get my lifestyle in order, not just lost weight. I don't want to cross the recommended limit of 2lbs per week. So, now my aim is to lose 10kg in 3 months. By the time I return from the USA to China around X-mas, I hope to be 85. Wow! That would feel awesome. I want to continue my exercise and eating routine in the US from day one.
  2. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 95.5kg

    Had quite a lot of junk for dinner yesterday. 2 big bottles of beer, one chicken leg and 3 pickled eggs. Did not work out this morning as its rainy and cold. May do something later in the day.
  3. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 95kg

    Weight a shade above 95, perhaps 95.2. Over-ate yesterday. The breakfast and lunch was decent. Then I came back from an art related trip and cooked some chicken. Ate too much and went into a food coma. It was disgusting. When I binge I go back to my old habits - gulping down the food, drinking junk with it an so on. Once in a while this kind of binging may be ok, but done for a long time will lead to obesity. I need more experience and guidelines to prevent such episodes in the future.

    Went running today and finished the 4 laps in one stretch. Now feeling the high. Wonderful! When running I found that the first half lap is difficult - the body getting into the rhythm. Then, it becomes easier. After the third lap, the body is in the flow and distances disappear effortlessly. Also its more inspiring to run when you can see the goal clearly. This morning was misty - and the beginning a little more difficult.

    Yesterday, another artist remarked that I looked very strong. It has become cold enough that we now have to wear light jackets. The jacket hides a lot of the fat but shows off the strength!

    No activities planned for this weekend. This is very unusual for me. Wondering what I should do with myself. Anyway, my US trip is coming up and I have tons and tons of stuff to do.
  4. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 96kg

    Had 250ml of liquor yesterday. That was too much. Then had a junk dinner of chicken and rice. Feeling a little out of it now. In the future, I have to restrict liquor to 125ml. Also, I have to learn that its ok not to finish everything. Usually if I have a bottle I will finish it, irrespective of the size. Something I have to work on. Additionally, there is a strong alcohol, junk meat link in my brain. So alcohol comes loaded with huge negatives. Have to treat it carefully, otherwise my previous unhealthy habits will return. Drinking next time, I have to decide before hand how much to drink and what to eat along with it. When I do this, I am quite ok, but if I just go with the flow I will be fucked.

    Today went for a morning walk. I think when I run my weight drops by 1kg because of the sweat.

    Saw my reflection in a few places and it looks quite good clothed. Undressed my body looks fairly disgusting.

    Starting preparations for my exhibition in Houston and my stay in San Fran. Yesterday did quite a lot of preparatory work. Will continue it today. An art magazine will be coming soon to photograph me. They finished the interview a week ago. Going to be very busy going forward.
  5. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 97kg

    Easy come, easy go - I guess. Weight increased to 97 kg.

    Have been eating a lot the past 3 days. Yesterday, had a dinner outside and ate quite a lot. Luckily I did pass on the beer.

    Body feels sluggish and bloated after the past 3 days of eating crap. Was able to run the 4 laps with effort. In the future I have to keep alcohol to a minimum. Its impact on the body is quite severe. It also removes inhibitions and I end up eating more crap. Second, eating outside has to be decreased. Third - its better to have regular meals. Otherwise, the hunger comes up suddenly and sharply and I end up eating crap outside.

    The weekend turned out the be very busy and productive artistically. Most of the preparations are done. I get some frames on Sunday and I leave on Monday. If I don't get them by Sunday I am screwed!!

    Looks like I may fall short of the 95kg goal before I leave for the US. Anyway, forwards and onwards.
  6. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 97kg

    Surprised that the weight did not drop at least a little. Yesterday followed my health routine quite well. Went running today. May go on a fast today.
  7. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 95.5kg

    Back down to 95.5kg. Ate my normal - good BF, healthy lunch and fruit dinner. Looks like eating outside, eating meat and drinking alcohol increases belly bloat thus carrying more water - thus more weight. I have been clean the past 3 days and the water weight has dropped. The running has become almost automatic. I don't let my mind dwell on it and it gets done.

    Tomorrow a friend has invited me for beer to celebrate the mid-Autumn's day. Plan to eat BF but skip lunch to make up for it.

    Preparations for the US trip going quite well. This is my fourth international exhibition and the best prepared one.
  8. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 95kg

    Went for a walk last night. Had a healthy BF, then went to a village on an art project. We had lunch together and then I had the runs and a light tummy ache. Had only a pear for dinner.

    Today went for a walk. Yesterday there were times when there was a light pain in my right knee - so decided not to run today. Very surprised that my weight is now back to 95kg. Today - will have dinner and beer outside with a friend. Need to stay in control.

    Life has become terribly hectic all of a sudden. A friend will be visiting for 2-3 days. I have to finish the artwork in the village. I have yet to make arrangements for a hotel in SF and I have to organize my packing and the management of the gallery for when I leave. A little crazy. The next few days are going to be very busy. Its also mid-Autumn festival holidays here and there is bound to be tons of food and drink. Have to watch out.
  9. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 95kg

    Did not have lunch yesterday, but had a dinner at a friend's. Had the runs all night with some stomach ache. Feel out of sorts this morning. Will not be working out. Will be visiting some friends in the city and going to an expo. Decent bit of walking ahead of me.
  10. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 95kg

    Walked a lot during the expo. Left home at 8 am and returned at 8:30pm. Ate lunch and dinner outside - did not eat any meat and avoided grease as much as possible. My friends had ice cream, candy and cola. I did not. When I got back I was very tired and fell asleep.

    Did not work out today. May do something in the evening. Two more days before I go to the US. Most of the things are done.
  11. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 95

    Today's weight is a shade under 95kg. I am declaring that I have achieved my target weight before my US trip. It's been almost 2 months since I started working out and eating healthy. I give myself an A [Pause for thunderous applause]

    Most habits have now become fairly strong. Working out about 5 times a week, eating a good breakfast, good lunch and a light dinner. Avoiding junk. Problems that I still have to work on - what to do when I get invited for dinner. what to do when I get invited for beer. There is a still a link between eating chicken and cola. Yesterday, I cooked and ate some chicken, then had a desire to drink cola.

    Yesterday was also a very busy day, packing. Today may also be busy. Tomorrow I am on my way to the good old USA. I haven't lived there for more than 10 years and do miss it.
  12. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 95kg

    Rainy today. Did not go running. Very busy yesterday with packing and getting ready stuff. Will be leaving in a few hours.

    Hope to start working out as soon as I land in the USA - maybe not the same day but the next day. Will not be eating or drinking any junk on my flights.
  13. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - ?

    Now in San Francisco. Very hectic - mainly trying to find a place to live.

    Did not eat any junk on the plane. Yesterday ate quite a lot of junk - pizza and fried chicken. Today ok. Have been biking a lot to find a living place - so not necessary to workout.

    People here seem quite divided in many ways. But in food, there are those who are careful with what they eat and exercise and there are those that frequent fast food places, eat junk and are obese. Some are in horrible shape, walking with canes, limping etc. Out of control!
  14. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 94.3kg (208 lbs)

    Have been eating fairly healthy. Yesterday, had a good BF, a BLT sandwich for lunch and some more home made sandwiches for dinner. Felt quite hungry last night. Was about to drink cola, but changed my mind. I have also been very active trying to find a place to live. Was outside riding my bike to different places for about 5 hours yesterday.

    My BNB stay ends today. Have to find a different place to live. Have already looked at two places for a 3 month stay. They will make their decisions in a day or two.
  15. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - ?

    I have been eating a lot of junk recently. A bit tired of it now. Went running by a lake. Was able to run my routine without a break. Although I have been eating rubbish I have been fairly active, so I dont think I have gained much weight. Will be getting back to a normal healthy lifestyle today.

    Moved into a room for 3 months. Started painting yesterday.
  16. odonII

    odonII O

    Likes Received:
    Nice thread. Have not read every post - but I get the idea. I am trying to lose weight, too.
    I don't think i could have written about it, though. Infact I know I couldn't because I haven't ;) Keep up the good work. And honesty.
  17. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank Odonil,

    I am in a new place and my routine has gotten out of whack. Have been eating outside, but have cut out the amount of junk. Also very active everyday. There is no accessible weighing machine, so dont know how much I weight now.
  18. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - 94kg

    My routine still hasn't steadied. Still new to this area and am exploring all the art events. Most of it is on my used bike that I bought for 30$. I have been eating lunch outside and trying to keep it healthy. Breakfasts are at home and dinners have now changed back to only fruits. Went running yesterday and managed it quite well.

    In China I am fat. In the USA I would fall into the slightly over weight category. That is because obesity is quite rampant in the USA.
  19. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight - ?

    Went running yesterday and today. Could not finish the full run non-stop. Today managed to finish. I don't have access to scales, so dont know how much I weigh. About 10 years ago many stores used to have scales. Now none of them do. Wonder why.

    Recently BF is healthy. I have now started cooking lunch again. Dinner is usually fruits, though sometimes I eat out and its mostly junk.

    Very eager to know my weight.
  20. svrart

    svrart Member

    Likes Received:
    Weight 95.5 kg

    Have not written in more than a year. In the meantime, my weight had gone back to 105 kg and now back down to 95.5 kg

    Recently I go for a 2km run about 5 days a week and work out about 5 days a week. Creativity wise I am on a high.

    Aim is to get to 80 kg by Dec 15. Thats a loss of 1 kg a week. Still not sure I can do it.

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