Weight - 97.5 kg Did not go running today. Yesterday a friend seeing me after a long time said I looked thinner. Happy. I did not feel hungry at all yesterday. Even without realizing it I had skipped lunch. I would just have had a dinner of fruits, but decided not to. Instead enjoyed a dinner of chicken and one bottle of beer. The beer tasted excellent!! Will do some activity today - maybe a long walk or bicycle ride.
Hi machinist, Thanks for dropping by and commenting. It feels good to be fit, or at least working towards it.
Weight - 97.5kg Went for a long run+walk yesterday evening. One month ago that would have been inconceivable. Went for a walk today morning. I am finding that my recovery is very quick now. About a month ago I would have to rest for about half an hour. Now about 10 minutes after the run I am ok. Body feels great. Food is now tasting wonderful. I ate some grapes yesterday and really savoured them. I still have a tendency to gulp down food. Its dissipating slowly and steadily. A friend chatted online with me yesterday and said she was depressed. I recommended that she exercise everyday. She is an amazing artist but physically very inactive. May go and see her today.
Weight - 97.5kg Rain today morning - did not run. Had a healthy breakfast then went to a boring art competition opening. I am trying to make healthy eating a part of my life. I read that among people who lost a lot of weight and managed to keep it off for more than a year, a large percent ate a good breakfast. I am now doing this. They also found that they exercised moderately regularly and avoided junk in their food. I am doing these two. It's amazing how alive one feels doing this. I can look around and see that people who eat too much or drink too much appear to be somewhat asleep. I dont want to be one of those! Will do some activity later today.
Weight - 97kg Another small drop in weight. I am realizing that I can gain as well as lose weight quickly. My appetite has almost gone. Recently, I have to remind myself to eat. Did not workout yesterday. However did go on two small bike rides. Went running today and ran the 4 laps without a break. My best in several years. Recovery is also very quick. After my run I do some push ups and leg stretches. By the time I finish them I am pretty much back to baseline. Eating habits have become very healthy. Sugar craving is gone. Fat craving is also almost gone. It is now very clear to me that most processed food is a slow poison.
Weight - 97kg Woke up late and did not go running today. Will do some activity later in the day. Tomorrow will be busy - meeting several friends. Will be drinking. Will have to watch both the food and the drinks. I had a massage and realized that my lower back is sore. My posture has improved and as a result the back is now reshaped causing the soreness. Yesterday, I had plain rice porridge - basically just rice boiled in excess water. No sugar. No salt. No nothing. Tasted delicious.
Weight - 97 kg Went on a 3 hour bike ride yesterday. It was a wonderful day to be riding about. Took a short nap on one of the grass fields. It was so cool and peaceful! Today went running and finished the 4 laps with no breaks. I am proud of myself Thinks I have noticed recently. I am not on any diet. ie I am not consciously cutting calories. All I have done so far is cut out junk. I would say I have undereaten 2 times and overeaten 4 times in the past month. And of course exercising about 6 days a week for an average of 45 minutes a day. The weight after being initially stuck at 100 then started dropping steadily. Second, thing is the running is not difficult. The thought of getting out is. When I get up in the morning, I think "Ah its difficult to run. Just today I will sleep in." Then once I put my foot out the door, its automatic and I finish it in a flash. So this thought is just wrong. I am still struggling with this one. Cooked bitter gourd and ate it with rice. Delicious. I now know how much to cook for one person and its quick. If I cook with care, its quite good. Breathing is now deep and smooth. Feel horny for a good part of the day. Will go to a hot pot lunch with an old friend today. Hot pot is healthier than other food and I can easily choose vegetables over meat. Yesterday, a friend gave me some deep fried pork chops. I politely refused and she took it back.
Weight - 97 kg Had hot pot yesterday. Had 2 cans of beer. The two cans are equivalent to 1.5 days of my morning workout. The beer was not cold and I did not enjoy it much. Was it worth it? Clearly not. In the future, I have to learn to draw the line much quicker and not drink if I am not enjoying it. 5 days ago the beer I had with chicken was excellent. The beer was ice cold and I was hungry, thirsty and tired. At that time it was worth it. Also had more meat than I anticipated. Went for a walk this morning. Weight steady at 97kg. Looking at my belt holes, I realized that I have been this weight before even without trying. Looks like weight swings between 105 kg and about 98 kg naturally. I am now below this and will have to make a new hole in the belt soon. Curious as to how my body will behave. Met a friend from Czech after a long time yesterday. She has lost a lot of weight and looks cute. Said she runs twice a day. Will have a vegetarian lunch with another friend today.
Weight - 97kg Woke up very late and did not go running. Have not run in 2 days and I feel like I need it. Will certainly go running tomorrow if not today evening. A friend visited after a long time and invited me to lunch. Had a good, mostly vegetarian lunch. However, most of the vegetables had a good amount of grease. The food I cook has a refreshing taste while the food cooked in restaurants has the heavy, greasy taste. What passes for flavor in this, our modern world in nothing but grease, salt and sugar! It hailed last night. It was fun watching the ice fall rapidly.
Weight - 97kg Went running today morning and ran the 4 laps in one stretch. The mornings are now cool and very comfortable for running. When I first started about a month ago, I was reluctant to run. Now I miss it. I did not run for 2 or 3 days and I craved it. I did work out the past few days - walking and biking but they dont have the intensity of running. I felt a little lethargic and lose. On the other hand, I just finished running and I feel great. It's a high. I am very surprised to find this. Weight stuck at 97kg. Have been overeating on Sat and Mon and will again today. Will treat a friend to pizza for her birthday. Keeping this diary is helping me consciously understand how much and what quality of food and exercise will maintain what kind of weight. Also coming up with healthy and simple food recipes to replace the junk.
Weight - 97kg Ate quite a lot yesterday during the Pizza treat. After the meal went for a 2km walk which burnt a little of the junk off. I have to learn to watch what and how much meat I eat while dining out. My craving for sodas and beer is gone. But I have to watch out the meat intake. Need to remember this the next I am out. It was raining today but I went running during one of the breaks. The temp has started dropping and running is becoming more and more comfortable. Finished the 4 laps in one stretch. I mostly go into a trance and then its done. Took some photos yesterday and can clearly see that I have lost weight. Would like to upload them but havent figured out how to do this in this forum.
Weight - 95 kg Weight suddenly dropped by 2 kg. My weight seems to drop in sudden 2 kg steps! I was outside last evening and did not have dinner. Only had a handful of raisins and a tomato at night. Usually I would eat some fruits. Perhaps, my stomach is empty and hence the drop. I am sure it will go up tomorrow, but perhaps not by much. Did not go running this morning. Spent it lazily in bed and got up a little late. Will have a good breakfast soon. I looked up stats yesterday: I weighed 213 pounds yesterday. I am in the obese category with a BMI of 31. If I drop a little more weight I will move below 30 to the overweight category. My hip measures 42inches or 107 cms. However I can fit into 38 sized and even smaller pants. Clearly the clothes manufacturers are lying!! The right hip size for my height is 34 inches. The right weight for my height is 80 kgs or 176lbs. My aim is to get into the ideal weight category, keep it off more than a year and enter into the registry of long term weight loss. A nice goal to aim for. At a weight of 95kg I am a bit ahead of schedule. My aim was to be 95 when I left for the US (18 more days to go). So I wont try to go below 95 before then.
Weight - 96.5kg Did no workout yesterday. At night had 150ml of liquor. I have not drunk that stuff in more than a month. The buzz was not so good and it has quite a bad effect on the body. Dont feel so good today. Went running in the morning and it started raining after I finished 2 laps. So I stopped. I dont think I could have run 4 laps non stop. Tomorrow there is an art opening followed by a dinner invitation. Have to be careful. Not sure what the reason is for the recent 2kg swing in weight. I am guessing water. What, how, why and so on - no idea.
Weight - 96kg A lazy day yesterday. It was rainy and cloudy and I slept a lot. Today went running and finished the 4 laps nonstop. Although I finished it, it was a challenge. I blame it on the liquor. When I am running, my mind keeps saying "I am tired. I am tired." I have now realized that I need to ask my mind to shut the fuck up. Once that happens, the run is finished quite automatically. Then, all that is left is to feel wonderful for the rest of the day. I have realized that my body has become sensuous after my month of working out. Not just sexually. Even simply stretching my arms and legs, feels good. I feel free and my limbs feel loose. Today is going to be a very active day. A date will be joining me for the art openings. She is a little over weight but very beautiful. Have already planned my eating schedule - so should be ok.
Weight = 96kg Ate sensibly at yesterday's dinner. Did not drink liquor or cola. Ate more fish than other meats, drank a lot of soup and ate a lot of vegetables. I am ashamed to say this, but it has taken me 45 years to learn how to eat correctly! Yesterday I was able to fit into a smaller sized pants. Made me feel good. Some people at the art opening also said that I had lost weight. Went running today and finished the 4 laps without a break. Weight loss on target. Should be about 95kg when I leave for the USA.
Weight - 96kg Yesterday ate a good breakfast, lunch of chicken and fruits for dinner. This seems to have become quite a routine. Today, went running and did not let my mind dwell on it. Just started it, and it was over quite soon. Looks like meat stays in the system much longer than vegetables and also holds some water along with it. Thus, when I eat a lot of meat, my weight goes up by about 1 kg. My stamina has improved a lot. Recently, when I show my collectors around the art district, they are winded but I feel normal.
Weight - 96kg Yesterday - had oatmeal for breakfast, taro root and rice for lunch and fruits for dinner. Healthy food has now become quite habitual. Today morning went for a walk. My body is slimming down and is leading the weight loss. Have a desire to stretch my hip joints - don't know why. Recently have been doing front splits and side splits to the best of my ability. Feels good doing them.
Weight - 95kg Felt blue yesterday and moped around for the larger part of the day. Ate a little too much and drank a bottle of beer. Was very sure the weight would go up. But here it is - a drop. I still cannot figure out this weight fluctuation business. If it weren't for this diary, yesterday would have been the beginning of my downward slide towards fatdom. This diary puts in black and white the progress I've had in the past month. It puts the few lapses in perspective. Finished the 4 laps quite easily this morning. Did not let my mind dwell on the difficulty of the run. And bam - it was done. Looks like my brother will not be able to help me when I land in San Fran 2 weeks from now. So, I have to figure out how to get to a hotel from the airport with my large boxes of paintings. The life of an artist is an adventure! Anyway, I am physically quite fit now and can take the curve balls in stride.