Hi, Just realized that I am to fat. 180cms, 102 kg today. I have been running for about 1.5 kms, 5 days a week and eating healthy. I have been doing this for about 10 days and already feel much better. My stomach has gotten somewhat flatter and my posture is much stronger. Willy - much longer and harder Want to use this space as a public diary of my "back to health" process. Hopefully, this is not against any forum rules.
Got up a little late today and did not feel like running. But decided to go walk it anyway. Once I got outside, I felt like running and did quite well. Usually I walk+run and the ratio is perhaps 1:1. Today was probably my best in a few years - a ratio of 1:3 (3 running). I also do incline pushups (3 set of 12). My shoulders, chest and arms have shaped nicely. My thighs have firmed, my NSA friend enjoyed running her hands over them. My belly is however quite big. She says I am two months pregnant. That unfortunately is pure fat and will take a couple of months to work off. Weight 100 kgs. How did I lose 2 kgs in one day? I weighed myself at similar times (after running). Don't know, but not reading too much into it, because I know I may be back to 102 tomorrow. Have been eating healthy and avoiding junk. Feel very alive with a raging libido
Went walking 2.5 kms today. Had sea food yesterday. It was supposed to be healthy, but was cooked in quite a lot of oil - not healthy at all. I have been avoiding fats for many days, so my fat fix craving is gone. Still have the sugar fix craving. weight - 100 kg. anyone else trying to lose weight, get healthy or changing into healthier food habits is welcome to join in.
Did not feel like running, but got out anyway. Ran the best 1:4 of walk:run. There is a psychological element that I have found and am working on. The mind is many times wrong. Today - mind said very tired dont want to run. But the body was very ready. Same thing with eating sugars and fats. I gulp it down. If I really craved it, wouldn't I be savouring the taste? And paradoxically, if I savour it, my appetite and thirst goes down with much less food, drinks inside me making me fat. So, the body's natural enjoyment of food and drink is a good health balancing mechanism. However, another part of my brain actively bypasses this by bolting or bingeing the food and drink. So, if enjoy my food, really enjoy it - really taste it, I will be healthy. Learned something new today! Weight - 100 kg.
Woke up a little late and did not go running today. Weight - 101 kg. Coming to the realization that there are many addictions in the mind. There is the sugar, the fat/oil and the cold. Yesterday, I ate a lot of fruits. I felt a pang. Am I hungry I asked myself. The answer, no. Yet there was the pang. What was the pang? My mind needed an oil/fat fix. I was very full from eating a water melon, but the oil craving was still there. It lasted for several hours. Then the evening I ate some chicken and it disappeared. Same thing with drinks. I used to drink cold cola. That was a sugar fix and a cold fix. I drink water through the day, but do not seem to be fulfilled. The sugar crave is very clear. My mouth feels bitter and dry. Then I went to the store and bought some cold water. Two sips and the cold fix was done. Still have the sugar fix. Just like a heroin addict. Withdrawal. Not as severe. Minus the cravings, I am functioning and feeling very awake and well. How long does the withdrawal last I am wondering.
went walking about 2.5 miles yesterday. Went running today. Walked + ran it quite easily. As a long term habit, I don't think I can run everyday. However, walking some days and running the rest is very doable. Free body exercises are quite doable. Three things can change my lifestyle - enjoying being healthy and fit, cutting out junk in the food and exercising. I think the second one I can handle quite easily now. I have fully realized that junk in the food is a slow poison and we are surrounded by it. All three are now ok as long term habits. After I lose some more weight, I will have to take a good photo of myself as a feel good. Weight - a shade under 100kg.
Weight - 99.5kg Went out with a friend yesterday. Ate chicken cooked with quite a bit of oil. Eating outside is clearly unhealthy! Did not binge, but brought back the leftovers and had it for dinner. I found there is a strong chicken and Cola link in my brain. Everytime I eat chicken I usually drink cold coca cola. This time too I had a strong desire but did not drink. After I came back home I had a glass of self made orange juice. In the future I will have to watch out if I eat chicken. The cola craving will kick in like clock work. Realizing that a lot of things in my head are hooked together and many of them are unhealthy!! Usually what will happen is - I eat chicken, drink some cola, then drink some beer, eat some snacks, drink some more beer and eat some more snacks till I am disgusted myself. This binging is the main culprit for the inches of fat blanket suffocating me. Went for a 2.5 mile walk today.
Weight 99.5kg Had the best run today. My body has strengthened a lot and the morning exercise has become a habit. Even now I dont look forward to it. But once I start, its a routine and it get completed. Once I finish I feel GREAT! Yesterday other that fruits I only had a convenient noodles. Its a small portion but full of junk. Need to cut that out. I am realizing if I cut some things out, I need to find things to replace them with. Ideas so far - boiled vegetables such as potato, sweet potato, cauliflower, brocolli etc. Sometimes I am too lazy to make a full blown meal, but boiling vegetables is quite easy. The sugar craving seems to disappearing. Another thing I found is that because I live in a very social place, I end up having meals with friends very often. These are many times outside or even if cooked by ourselves quite rich. Will have to find a way of eating less and healthier on such occasions. Today - two artist friends are visiting and I have promised to cook them mutton curry with potatoes. I plan to eat more potatoes than the mutton. Saw my reflection yesterday as I was walking by and was pleasantly surprised. The belly has gone in quite a bit, though there is still a bump. Looking much better that before. However, because the muscles have strengthened and hardened with exercise the lard now sits in lumps on my belly, hips and butt. Somewhat disgusting! Anyway, my new habits are good and I have no doubt that if I stick to them I will be very healthy. How do I stick to them in the long run - I need to think about this.
Weight - 100kg Went for a "off the beaten walk" this morning and eventually got lost in the village streets. Ate my delicious mutton curry moderately yesterday. Got a box of snacks from the guests yesterday - junk. Got some fresh vegetables from another friend. I am drowning in food!
Weight 99.5kg Swapped 2 days ago junk snack for some fresh vegetables. Happy to be rid of the junk. Yesterday another artist invited me for beer and barbecue. Drank half a can of beer and did not eat any meat. Instead ate boiled peanuts and peas. Ran very well today. Ratio of walk to run = 1:5 Feeling very good. Here and there people are saying I have lost weight. Today I wanted to be really tired - really, really worn out. After the run I felt tired, but not too bad. I may have to do some activity that almost knocks me out.
Weight 99.5kg Had a very good run today. I can feel that I have lost fat. My butt is a little smaller, my hips a little smaller. However, the weight is the same. It's a little disheartening. I know the reason of course - I am losing fat but gaining muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. While walking yesterday, I felt quite light and lively. This is with 20 kg of excess fat. I tried to imagine what it would be like with all this fat gone. Wow! Yesterday, went to a friend's studio to help her with her crashed computer. She fed me lunch and dinner. Quite healthy. In the evening, another friend visited and gave me a bunch of fruits. I seem to cook very little. The previous sugar and fat craving is almost gone.
Weight 99.5kg Did not run today morning. May go for a walk in the evening / night. Yesterday, ate a bunch of grapes for BF, had moderate mostly vegetarian lunch at a friends and some grapes for dinner. Felt a little hungry last night. This morning ate some steamed bread. My body is certainly shaping up nicely, although the weight remains unchanged! Felt very sleepy yesterday and slept for good part of the day. At night, I could not sleep. I am realizing I have to be more active during the day. Sugar and fat craving are almost gone.
Weight - 100 kg Went for an hour walk last night. It was cool and very refreshing. Went running+walking today morning. Ate steamed bread yesterday. I thought it would be without any junk, then I noticed that all the workers in the shop are very fat. They are clearly putting stuff in the bread to make it more delicious. Need to watch that. A friend brought a lot of chicken wings over. I cooked them and ate quite a bit. Certainly an energy surplus. Today another friend is visiting and we will be cooking Indian bread and vegetables. Weight seems to be stuck at 100 kg for about two weeks. Frustrating. Have to find an answer for this.
Weight - 99.5kg Had the best run in a long time. My run consists of 4 laps. A few days ago I had run 2 laps without a break. Today I ran 3. In a week or so I should be able to run the whole thing! Happy that my weight did not increase. Ate sensibly yesterday.
Weight - 99.5 Went for a good run today morning. Yesterday, ate lightly - mostly fruits. My friends are slowly getting to know that I am now seeking health and are supporting me or at least not tempting me with junk! The health process gets easier as I proceed. Today, went running almost automatically. Before I realized it, the whole running, work out thing was over. Now all that is left is to feel wonderful and lively. Will be travelling to the San Fran area soon. Starting to make preparations for it.
Weight - 99.5kg Raining a little this morning and did not go running. Met a friend and a vegetarian sensible lunch. She gave me 3 boiled eggs and a lot of vegetables. I regifted the eggs to another friend. Glad to be rid of junk! Will be going for a long walk this evening. I can clearly see that I look slimmer, but the weight is exactly the same !!!
Weight - 98.5kg Wonderful day. Weight finally dropped. Went for a good run and workout. It has become quite automatic. I did not run yesterday and really missed feeling the good effect. This is the first time in my life that I am examining my relationship with food, exercise and health. Things that I am finding are mundane that almost everyone knows. Yet I have not implemented them in the past. Definition of stupid. Very happy that my weight has dropped below 99.5. I have a feeling things from now on should be smooth, provided I keep at it.
Weight - 98 kg. Had a very simple and good lunch yesterday. Food is now tasting very good. I am also realizing that my cooking habits encourage me to cook oversized portions. When I cooked yesterday, I had only one steamed bread. Normally I would eat three. Even the cut vegetables looked little. But when I finished cooking I realized that it was too much and I was quite full when done eating. Body is feeling light, wonderful and alive. Woodies I am getting are now are awesome
Weight - 97.5 kg Went for an ok run+walk today. My weight has dropped 2 kg (4.4lbs) in 3 days. Dont know why. I am positive its not fat. I have weighed myself at the same time - after my morning run. Only reason I can think of is that I have cut my salt quite a bit and perhaps that requires less water to be retained by the body. Yesterday, had a good BF and an ok lunch. The lunch was a steamed bread and boiled potatoes and pumpkin. I did not add any oil during the cooking process and the salt was also on the low side. I found that that is not satisfying. I have to cook decent lunches - something that feels satisfying. Otherwise, I know it cannot be maintained in the long run. A friend is visiting today for lunch and we will be cooking Indian roti and vegetables. Quite healthy.
Weight - 97.5 kg Good run today. The starting is still a problem. I feel a bit lazy. But once I start, I finish it quickly. I don't even feel that tired any more! Had decent food yesterday. My face legs and hands have lost some fat. My chest has also become leaner. The fat now sits in lumps on my belly, hips and butt. Realized that the sugar craving that I had about a month ago has almost disappeared. The oil/fat craving is still there, but much milder than before. My body feels very good and even the fat lumps feel leaner. Exercise - i think I have to find more variety in my routine. Start doing things like basketball or dancing.