Anyone else got digestive probs? I think mine started with food poisoning from chicken, but it could also be Candida overgrowth or something. So, for me I think I'm looking at either dysbiosis or Candida and I use things like grapefruit seed extract, oregano, eucalyptus, bamboo shoots, coconut oil and bromelain to try to fix it. Anyone else here in a similar boat?
My husband has major digestive issues. He takes a bunch of natural supplements for it but I'm not sure what he takes. I'll look later when i'm out of bed. Our chiropractor did a health screening on him because of it and they are all things recommended by her. It has helped so much. He used to joke because I would get stuff from the holistic pharmacy because I'm not a fan of pumping my body full of over the counter pills with horrible side effects. He would say I was going to the "hippy pharmacy". He's a believer now.
Most digestive issues can be resolved simply by eliminating gluten and dairy from one's diet. Try that and see if there is an improvement. Probiotics also work well.
I know how to help candida... have you heard of the candida diet? First of all, PR is right about eliminating dairy.. but if you suspect candida (leaky gut, the def cause of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders and probably cancer), you need to first eliminate sugar. Try for in ALL forms. That includes fruit. If you feel the need to have fruit have one serving of a berry...that's the best fruit for this. Drink tons of water. Veggies, well...real foods. No dairy or sugar. Also, cut out wheat and gluten. want a high quality probiotic. It needs to be kept in the fridge and do your research to make sure there are enough living organisms... you don't wanna buy something that does NOTHING but take your money. Rainbow Light actually has a supplement called... Candida Cleanser. If you take that (it was a lot in it... ), plus a digestive enzyme daily and combine that with diet you can beat it. Candida is serious and the root of much serious illness. Apple cider viger also helps by regulating your bodys ph. The thing is... if candida is serious... say you have arthritis (I do), or any other autoimmune or inflammatory disorder, you may need to stick close to the candida diet for life... or close to it. We all cheat on it. Or if it's just minor ... you can likely just do a quick cleanse. Listen to your body. It'll tell you how you feel and what to do. Trust it. Oh but give it enough time because you may feel like shit when you kill candida from your body.. it's called the die off effect and as candida dies... it kinda gets released into the body/blood and you may get cold like symptoms. Grin n bear it. It's a good thing. Good luck. Pm me if you want any info!
I suggested a probiotic once. He said I was stupid. Ok, maybe he didn't say it in those words. haha. Just teasing you Hoppi.
Here is a list of what my husband takes for his issues, all from the holistic pharmacy: 1. Lact-enz 2. A-F Betafood 3. Min-Chex 4. Zypan 5. Catalyn
when i was younger i ate like a blackhole, i had a cast iron stomach. the past few months i haden't been eating well at all, not nearly enough calories, mainly due to stress. in fact, stress and anxiety effect my stomach a lot. now as i'm trying to eat healthier i find i get sick and nauseous easily and my stomach is very very sensitive. any advice?
Aloe Vera drink has good enzymes. My tummy gets upset easily but is usually triggered by foods I know aren't right for me but taste too good to disregard >.>
apple cider vinegar is supposed to be really helpful with digestive problems. I know when babies get thrush (same thing as candida) it helps to wipe all surfaces down with apple cider vinegar and sanitize their bottle nipples and pacifiers with acv, so it makes sense that it would have the same benefits inside the body.
yeah ACV is supposed to be wonderful all-round I do take it daily. I don't know if it's enough by itself but... I love it too! It also I believe can damage/destroy biofilms, which seems very useful. hm, can be hard to diagnose. If you find you get gas then that can suggest infection I think, amongst other possibilities. Difficulty eating fatty food can suggest liver or gallbladder issues. I used to get nauseous often when I ate too much lactose so I cut that down very low. Also overly acidic foods can sometimes make me nauseous ._.