Why do people say "they took the easy way out" as if it is a bad thing when talking about someone who committed suicide? Isn't the easy way the way everyone goes? Nobody walks from ny to la anymore. They take the easy way, plane, train, automobile. Yet nobody acts like it's a bad thing to take the easy way to get out of one city to another. Wanna get out of a pool? Just climb the steps and nobody says a word. But fuck those lazy bastard, they took the easy way out. They should have swam to the shallow end and climbed out.
Suicide is never the easy way, it's selfish! Travel, why have blisters on your feet when you can go the easy route.. What's up pen?
People who commit suicide do not see a way out for themselves. If they did, they would take that route, which is the easy way. People who have actually tried to commit suicide had to face death, which most humans try to avoid doing. If a suicide attempt failed, they are no longer fearful of facing death. Any further attempts of suicide usually becomes successful. In most cases, counselling finds a way for a persons seeking to cope.
I could never understand that saying either. How is one killing himself/herself, "taking the easy way out?" Thats ridiculous. Especially all these different ways folks have done themselves in, which some where excruciatingly painful, I'm sure.
Just the excrutiating mental anguish you would have to be in to commit suicide in the first place...doesnt seem all that easy
i would guess that the idea is that just killing themselves is easier than trying to live and cope with whatever is leading them to consider suicide. i guess it's considered a negative in this case because of the negative impact on the other people in their lives. if climbing up the steps in the deep end of the pool hurt your family, then i think people would be pissed when people did that too. i don't see how those are mutually exclusive. i would think that the selfish way and the easy way are the same more often than not.
I don't think they'd consider it the ''easy'' way out (people who commit suicide) ...it may be in their mind, the only way out. (of their pain)
I love you Ms. Morrow but this time I've got to call bullshit. When I contemplated suicide it was not for a selfish reason it was because I genuinely saw & to some extent still see no other way forward in life. It was because I couldn't bear the thought of continuing to sow pain & sadness amongst those I care so deeply for. I loathed myself & deeply felt that that was the only correct course of action. Were there simultaneous selfish feelings involved? I would be a liar if I said no but by the time I tied off that rope & put my head in that noose those thoughts were gone. I saw only the tears in my wife's eyes, those tears that I couldn't wipe away, those tears I had caused. I saw the faces of my dead children & I truly felt in that moment that this was the moment of reparation. Damn right
I reckon some people get so drastically hurt by one thing or another, that the thought of disappearing forever seems like the easy way out.
The same point could be made for the people that say this. Nobody asked for life so how is it selfish to live it. Orrrrr. Why is it a bad thing to do things your own way?
I was about to say the same thing. It's looked at as selfish because the people you leave behind have to deal with the angst, but when the people who have to deal with angst would rather not then it seems selfish of them to want you to have not killed yourself for their own reasons too. I think in this case selfish is a crude word, kind of like when someone kills 10 people the media turn that around to "coward" which I never understood much either. Seems like a cheap shot to me, couldn't go through the world alone so they opt out and what do we have to say about them? Selfish cowards. Like that's the attitude that was going to enlighten them.
Im Im sorry for saying it.. Leave your burial money, and a nice letter to the loved ones explaining why you did it.. perhaps that will make a difference? Better still, get your life in order, make plans to get out of what ever is making you feel that way.. don't let shit drag you down.. lots of us have been in that position, and had an eye opener.. just because I say it's selfish, don't mean I've never had reason to feel that way.. but because your out of it, you leave depression in people you left behind, children without parents never knowing why! Just don't do it, life goes on, and you can beat it.. Ask for help.. ask a stranger.. anyone! Don't do it!
Suicide is a symptom of mental illness though, its not like suicidal people think rationally. If you dont even have the energy to keep living it is sort of hard to just make a plan and follow through with it. Plans are for people who are thinking rationally. Thats why I dont think it is selfish. Suicide is an irrational decision, you're not thinking about how its going to effect other people...or if you are, you're not thinking about it in rational terms. You're thinking more along the lines that people would be better off without you