Governments, media and the entertainment industry are controlled by him. He is the authority of the air. Do not be misled, it is only for a short time though.
Those things you mentioned are controlled by the elite of this world. Sure, their god is Lucifer, but it's merely allegory for the system which runs this world. The fact is the elite don't worship anyone but themselves and their own power. They see themselves as gods and follow the Luciferian doctrine, which seeks to overthrow and hijack the natural order of creation.
While I do agree that the Elite control the world. They do worship Satan and get their orders from him. You can look at the world of mankind and its actions and see how Satan is pulling the strings behind scenes. I have a couple of scriptures that I like to share. The Bible clearly states that Satan is the ruler of this world. He also controls religion. 1 John 5 19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.N IV Gotta go right now. Be back
When Jesus began his ministry, the Devil tried to entice him with three temptations. First, Satan endeavored to pressure Jesus to use his God-given powers in a selfish way to satisfy his own hunger. Then, the Devil dared Jesus to risk his life foolishly and draw attention to himself. Finally, Satan offered Jesus rulership over all the kingdoms of the world in return for one small act of worship. Jesus rebuffed all three clever attacks, each time quoting the Scriptures.
There seems to be a contradiction here. First you say Satan controls religion, then tell us stories from religion.
Incorrect. The Bible is not a religion. A great apostasy has set in since Jesus and the apostles died
The Bible is most certainly a part of the Christian religion, and was compiled and possibly even edited by the church. Take away the Bible and there's no Christianity.
yes it is part of the Christian religion and the scriptures have been twisted. The hypocrisy runs deep in the 1000"s of demonitations and people can see it and they are withdrawing from the churches. they meddle in politics, beg for donations, involve themselves in war and do not teach from the bible. Which means they do not have accurate knowledge of the scriptures and how to apply them.
Again I see a contradiction. If the scriptures are twisted, would it even be good to apply them? And how in your opinion are they twisted?
There is a difference the scriptures are fine. They are twisted by incorrect teachings from the clergy. The Catholic Church suppress the Bible for many years not even allowing their parishioners to own one. Very few different things that have been twisted. For example Jesus is not God. Jesus is God's son. The trinity is taught in most Christian churches that God Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one in the same. That is not true according to the Bible. Also the teaching of hell. A place were people torment forever. This teaching dishonours God. To me it doesn't make a. ny sense that a loving God would create a place for humans to torment forever and the Bible agrees. One more important point is the use of God's name Jehovah. God does have a name and it said over 6,000 times in the Bible but yet is it been translated to God or Lord. This kind of translation confuses people and makes it hard to understand.
I guess it's all a question of how you take the meaning regarding most of those points. But I wonder what difference it makes if you translate it as Jehovah or simply God? All these names are man made anyway.
No really it can only be taken one way. But it does make a difference just like humans who have a name. God has a name. Yhwh or jhvh the tetragrammaton which is in the Bible over 6,000 times understandably it's God's spirit has inspired these men to write the Bible and put his name in it he wants people to know his name and use it. God is a title not a name
I disagree. The Bible can be taken in many ways, as is clear from the different interpretations that have sprung up over the centuries. YHVH is not really very pronounceable. It seems to feature in various kinds of occultism far more than in any Christian context of which I'm aware. For example, some interpreters of the Tarot cards use it. The 4 suits, batons, cups,swords and pantacles are supposed to mirror the characteristics of each letter of the name. But I think it's better to keep things simple. If there was a Captain Smith, I could call him just Captain and get the same results.
Yes, but what if you were at a ship convention and you yelled "hey captain" and a thousand Captains turned around? There lies the problem. We all have a Name, including God, and by ways of the bible it is apparent he wants it to be known.
That makes it sound like there are thousands of gods all waiting to respond. Anyway, use whatever name you like, and good luck with the pronunciation.