I’ve been seeing a married (yet separated for two years) man for the past six months. It’s been really great sexually, we’ve also opened up to eachother massively and spoke from morning til night every single day. He assured me he would never go back to his marriage as she had cheated, then yesterday he ended things with me to go back to her. He also blocked me from texting or calling him so I’ve lost my best friend too. I’m broken... any advice?
I take it you have actually spoken with him to confirm that he has made that decision and nobody else has hacked an account(?) If it is his desire to make a return; despite their assurance that would not be the case, then - Move on - Anyone with that attitude cannot be trusted IMO
OK - At least he fronted up - and now moving on should be your choice. There is a phrase "once a cheat, always a cheat" (depicting a persona of character), this should go hand in hand with, "Once bitten ….." You must do as you see fit of course - but bear in mind there are consequences to one's actions, and his should be "this is what you could've had" IMO
I’m hoping to feel a bit stronger soon, I just miss him so much. I do really hope that he will regret his decision eventually
But he didn't cheat at all. ^^^ He was separated from his wife and dated this woman Then broke up to return to wife.
If you care about HIM then hope for him that it works out. I don't know how long he had been with wife prior to their breakup, but they were married, and if he has decided to give that a second go then good for him. He shouldn't have assured you that there was no chance of him going back, but that's people. They tend to say what they hope to be true, or the other wants to be true, or whatever causes least hassle. He may have thought he meant it. On the whole he sounds fairly honest, telling you the truth before blocking you, which was also the right thing to do if he intends to move on and let you move on too. It won't hurt forever. Sorry for your current pain.
I think that you missing him and really wanting him back - will not end well if he did decide to do so. The question being, is he back through Guilt? Convenience? Sexual gratification? or, maybe, … just maybe, love. The worse thing to be is indecisive, and any to-ing and fro-ing does not indicate a stable relationship of longevity and indeed reliability.
So it would seem a broken man in love, cheated upon by someone they gave their heart to then? When someone forgives a cheater, they predominantly love another unreservedly, - and therefore not you. Emotional forgiveness is so hard to do, and when a situation arises where the possibility of unification is on, then a significant focus of the relationship is required. It looks like in order not to concentrate on what was, (coupled with the fact he does not want to hurt you?), sever the ties of what is, and let you go, in order to achieve what is hoped to be - that is with someone else. If you loved him, then you too have to let him go. His desire is to be with someone else - not you. Yes - it is hard to move on - but something you must do in, order to find happiness, trust and longevity. Let your memories be of fond encounters, but like old photos, after a brief recall, close the album, pick up your camera and look for fresh scenery - keeping in mind the words of Scarlett O'Hara "Tomorrow, is another day" IMO
Sounds like he was never separated from his ex-wife to begin with and he was the one that was caught cheating, not his wife. And if that’s not the case, he was planning on going back to her eventually. There was something going on that you missed when you were together. How much time did you really spend together- like actually staying with each other for a few days, maybe a week. You said you talked on the phone a lot, which is why I ask this.
Please move on. If he’s decided to go back to his ex, has blocked your calls, that’s enough to see that he’s completely done with you. Don’t sit around and wait for him to come back and use you when he wants to, move on to other opportunities!
I agree with what your saying D, but I truly think this guy used her, and is try to break things off because he got caught or almost got caught. I don’t think he was separated to begin with.
Chances are, he wasnt even separated... and he got caught.. If he thought anything of you, he wouldnt just totally write you off.. it's going to hurt right now.. but my guess... he is a cheat. And once a cheat, always a cheat.. I know people are saying he was separated.. but even if this is true.. he has obviously been seeing his wife, how else did they get back together? Pull yourself together, and learn from it, dont let him win... hearts mend, get out there, and remember, even if he is separated, there is still a wife out there..