Nice painting! I can imagine it hanging up in a coffee shop or as a print on a greeting card.. I didn't have coffee yet today though, I've been on a smoothie kick lately.
Oh, thank you very much, Rainy Day... I just got my last doll awhile ago. She is an art piece, and I will take photos and be back with a new thread in this section.
Cool pic, makes me want another cup even tho I had too many today. I had to do the mocha thing, it's a treat I try to do only once a week, I screwed up because I was going to BFs place and since I got him hooked he wanted one, well so did I then,,, shit!
dammit, I got to run the pugs and golden retriever here, and it is supposed to be 70 degrees here tomorrow and close to that for a few days more, and I am not ready for summer to be here tomorrow, and I have to dig out my lighter clothes later and get ready, and I am not happy right now....