I recently completed a meatotomy on my cock. I love it and am going to modify more. Much like people who pierce other body parts. get tattooed, or perform scarification, have you done any body modifications to your genitals?
No I did consider getting my foreskin pierced but was a bit concerned about six weeks abstinence from sex or masturbation and a bit concerned about getting an erection as soon as my bits hit the open air
The only mod possible in my mind, would be circumcision and that'll never happen. We do shave each others pubes. Sometimes smooth, sometimes only very short (mine). It keeps hair out of our mouths. LoL But, there's also a big difference in the feeling I get around my penis when there's no hair - love it!!
No, not something that would ever occur to me, other than 'manscaping' which I have done for several years.
I used to trim as a teen. Then when I got married it was pretty much the norm with us. It's rare that a woman at a nude rec area has a full bush.
Has stretching helped at all? I sure hope so. I've never tried changing my penis in any way. My foreskin is not snug at all and over hangs the pee hole by at least 1/2". The Dr told me I have "excessive foreskin".
I shaved a few times, wife shaved all the time, when we were younger. Other than that a couple of men resized her hole a few times, if that counts. None like the sex toys her girlfriends used on her.
My penis was a little slim so I decided to modify it to increase its thickness as well as its length, but after a few months jelking it thickness increased a little more than before but its long no change.
Not a permanent mod but i occasionaly pump my cock and i have also been stretching my eurethra using a silicone graduated sound ! I can now insert a 1/2 inch sound about 8 inches in !
I really should have had it done as a child but I just accepted that I had to watch how I pissed. it is a procedure to fix urination issues in boys. I just extended the incision further past my glans. I love the way it has turned out.