Have you looked at Gnostic Christianity?

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by GreatestIam, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    Have you looked at Gnostic Christianity?

    The Gnostic wing of Christianity, if it can even be called that today, has quite a few differences to Christianity and Catholicism.

    If the old Gnostic Christians were here, they would hardly recognize what has happened to the original Orthodox Catholic Church or it's various offshoots in Protestantism or Islam. The Gnostic Christian Jesus would have a fit and would be quite disappointed I think. I know that this Gnostic Christian is.

    The two main differences that moved the old Christians to kill Gnostic Christians and burn their scriptures was literalism in reading scriptures and the fact that the Gnostic version of Jesus was a Universalist.

    That Gnostic Christian Jesus, and the Gnostic Christians of that flavor, (there are likely as many Gnostic sects as Christian sects), sees a spark of God in all people including women and gays. That fact, to me, makes Gnostic Christianity a more desirable denomination of Christianity than all the rest.

    If a religion cannot abide with equality of the sexes then to my mind it is not a just religion and is not worthy of the support of moral people. Inequality is an immoral position and most of the Abrahamic cults are of that immoral persuasion.

    As the superior Catholic theology, it is my hope that Gnostic Christianity will eventually bury the non-egalitarian and immoral Christian cults as their members recognize that equality is the right moral system for all to live under.

    If you have investigated Gnostic Christianity, do you agree that from a moral POV, they are the superior Christian theology thanks to equality and Universalism?

  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I honestly believe that the differences and little intolerances from one Christian faith to the next pretty much just goes to show what a facade the thing is.
  3. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Most religions are geared to make you believe one thing or another, depending on what the leaders want you to believe.
    If you want a religion to guide you through life, the best might be a nondenominational type. my understanding of nondenominational churches is they teach but they don't have certain policies you must follow to be a member of their church. Would be my choice if I really needed to hear someone tell me how to understand the bible as it was written.
    IMO some religions are similar to cultism. I checked many of them out starting when I was a kid thinking I needed a religion because my parents didn't baptize us. They wanted us to find our own religion and be happy with it. They were both baptized but in different religions so they decided not to have a war on which way we should be baptized. I am funny in that I don't like to live under anything or anybody.
  4. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Of the three major divisions in early Christianity (Nazerene, Paulist, and Gnostic), I have more in common with Gnostics than the others because: (1) I think Jesus' mission was to enlighten us, not to die for our sins; and (2) as you say, there is a divine spark in all of us that needs to be cultivated. However, Gnosticism carried with it a lot of metaphysical baggage from Greek and Middle Eastern mysticism that resulted in dubious
    complexity. Gnosticism also viewed the world as evil instead of good. And despite your claims of equality, gnosticism stressed secret knowledge shared only with an inner circle.
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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  6. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    Little intolerances!

    Discrimination and denigration of half the planet without just cause is just a little intolerance to you is it?

    You must be as deluded Christian. They do not think well or morally either.

  7. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    This is not only about you and you should consider your sisters that do have to live under men because their religions tell them to.

    It is a case of fundamental justice for women and gays.

    If you do not promote Gnostic Christianity and equality for all then you do not have a well developed social conscience.

  8. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    As all the religions of the day did. They were all mystery schools. Even the Christian Jesus had two policies. Parables for the masses and another truth for the initiated.

    Gnostic myths were more complex, granted. It sure beat trying to make a pretzel of your mind in trying to make sense of the Christian Trinity.

    The point is that Gnostic Christian knew not to read any scripture literally as that would be idol worship. Even their own weird myths were not to be taken literally.

    Literality was the issue that had Constantine's church kill Gnostic Christians and burn our gospels. We did not accept that the church had the only true vision of God.

    But if understanding less complexity is easier for some to ignore in favor of inequality then they will remain Christian and keep their poor morals.

    Our view of internalizing myths, any myth, is what leads to enlightenment, so Christians can still get there but would have to ignore the immoral tenets of inequality that their bible teaches.

  9. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    Get over your hate of women and gays. Equality is better.

  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Nice of you that you show gnostics can be annoying and very dubious evangelists as well.
    Are you going to try this approach now? :D Is this what you mean with being original?

  11. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    You should perhaps consider that it is a persons belief that accounts for their actions and not the edicts of their religion.

    Men and women find themselves in bondage to each other for fear of being left behind or fear of being found out but what god has joined no man may put asunder as what god gives is truly given.

    What is the case? Is it to set aside fundamental justice for everyone else?
    You are not talking fundamental justice for anyone but arbitrary verdicts surrounding a few. For instance there is you and everyone who agrees with you vs. everyone who doesn't. Your case for justice makes men guilty not religions, and if you had not crucified your sister just now you wouldn't be casting lots for her robes.

    See above.
    You have no well defined idea what you mean when you say gnositic christianity just as you display a vague and simplistic*, (not to be confused with simple,) understanding of the psychological processes of perception and belief.

    Christ teaching is based on axiomatic principles not understanding theological hierarchies. An axiomatic principle is a base for reasoning going forward.

    Storms are caused by uneven heating, therefor a passion for one thing over another is the author of inequality in our lives. You who do battle, good vs. evil are the champion of inequality.

    In my life none are special, all are precious and I find you even rewarding.
  12. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    This was worth reading. The rest ------------you can do better.

    It is a shame that you have yet to find anyone special.

    Don't give up buddy someone will tolerate you. Just don't speak. :)

  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It seems a lot of people accept thedope. It is you who is tolerated at most :p

    Please don't forget you might be the one who can benefit the most from your own advise :daisy:
  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Excellent post :2thumbsup:
  15. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    Another bot thought using another's words. You are definitely a non-thinking bot.

  16. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    And your prescription is?

    Again your shame is your own.
    I know specialists.

    I am free to say that my parents and my children bare witness that I am adored.

    I ask again what is your case for solving the stated problem of inequality?
  17. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    That's like saying if I don't eat fish I don't eat food....

    I do not promote any religion, in fact I don't promote anything meant to sell something or sway people I let the companies do that and the same for religion, they have flaggers like you doing the work, I just disagree with you.

    If women and gays want to be strong they will, they don't need leaders to make it happen. Most people know they have it in them, some believe it takes someone else to trigger that strength.

    Again, it's just another religion trying to push another style of belief to attract people.

    Ever watch politics? One politician says he is for the poor and one says he is for businesses, they attract certain groups this way hoping to make the bigger count, they all have different strategies and religions work the same way finding new ways to build their congregations.
  18. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    I offer Gnostic Christianity as my remedy for inequality of course. Read the O P.

  19. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    What can I say to such self-centeredness and lack of social consciousness.

    Change the labels in this quote to women, minorities, Gays or children being brainwashed by religions and it shows what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

    "First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)

  20. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    I will say I am gnostic Christian . it means I've no theology and any
    stories I hold are come from experiences of life and mind . how can
    I be such a Christian ? because I may , because there is love .

    one story is I joined The Peace and Justice Center . they are nice
    universalists and I made them a couple gifts . the first was a big
    pow-wow drum . this they still revere . not so much the second gift -

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