I do! Some of my dreams could be turned into screenplay. When I do get the chance to dream it's usually extremely vivid, but seem to have nothing to do with me. Usually sci-fi or drama set in urban ghetto areas or rural country. Sometimes a mixture of both. I actually wrote one down a month or two ago that I plan on turning into a novel. It would probably make for an interesting video game plot line. I've also had other strange dreams dealing with home invasions, sneaking around an airport runway with a French woman leading a group of rebels/captives? Weird stuff, but extremely vivid. Those two, I was in actually.
every once in a great while i have a dream that could be turned in to an epic story, but most of my dreams are so fragmented and all over the place that any story even close to the actual contents of the dream would make no sense at all. i suppose i have some dreams that would make interesting concepts for stories, if the story was just loosely based on the idea of the dream but included very little of the actual content.
my dreams are just the same as walking around in this world, only its a different one. i'd love to be able to download them to a 3d animated file. there mostly wouldn't be a lot of dialog or sound. more ambient sounds then dialog though. lots more.
my dreams don't have beginnings and endings the way a story has. they don't often have any kind of obvious conflict either. they're interesting to me, because i love exploring the places i happen to be in them, but giving all that, i doubt they'd be very interesting to anyone else. i'd love to meet someone to whom they would be, and maybe i have met someone like that on line. lots of pretty colors in them. i make pictures instead. sometimes those are scenes from them.
you know, what i would like, would be something i could just put on my head, to sleep, that when i woke up, there would be a full visual and other sensory file, on my computer, as an .mpg or .blend file. there's just no way i could capture what i experience in my dreams in writing, even if i could write my way out of a wet paper bag, which is pretty much beyond me anyway.
I've had dreams that I am writing a book and as I am it seems so interesting. Like I know it will be great and the words are appearing on the page as quick as I can type. But then I wake up and I forget what it was even about. This is a good way to remember things.
Yes, a lot of times after I wake up after a dream, I write down whatever the dream was and try to make do with what I've got. I mean, usually I don't follow through with it 'cause I either lose interest in it or there's another dream I like better and want to focus on more. One of these days though, I'll do it (that is, if I actually have as much dedication to try to write one; it's kinda hard).
They never make enpugh sense for that. Like I had one a while ago where I was coaching little league baseball (I have never played) but the kids were actually at war against the other team and the baseball games took place on a series of moving platforms and stairways, some of which were upside down. Also the kids were at war but the coaches were friends and not at war but it was well known the kids were basically fighting for their lives on this multi platform baseball field thing. Most of my dreams are equally nonsensical. Not sure that is story worthy.
the kind of stories i like to read are strange without being scarry, so i don't see why being strange would make a dream less story worthy, if anything, just the reverse.
I did want to for the longest time but couldn't remember enough to start writing. until I had this reoccurring dream about moving to Alaska with my family and I met an uncle I didn't know. it goes on with my uncle telling stories about the wild life and one in particular about a grizzly. which sounds like most stories about Alaska but it goes on with me starting school there and meeting new friends and I meet a girl I have a crush on. years later we meet up and I've. taken over my uncles business where I bring high dollar hunters out for big game. it goes on. I'm shocked I remembered this, maybe I should write it.
need some sort of technology to record what happens in them and the worlds and times they take place in. memory and writing stick don't cut it. yah i think some of my dreams would make great stories, i'm just not the one to write them. if only if only there were some way to actually record them in real time, i wouldn't mind rewatching them on the computer and sharing them on viemo and youtube. the closest i can come is the art i make in blender. except the dreams more real like real life then i can make even there.
Try a digital recorder. You'll be able to say it quicker then writing it let alone finding a pen. LOL Then you might be able to put it back in order. Good Luck
its in the process of translating into words that the whole fx experience of them is lost. the whole reason i talk to myself is to solve the translation problem generally. words are an after effect as an artifact for communication. internal conceptualization, my own anyway, does not in any way depend on them. its freeing myself from verbal dialog that enables me to sleep and dream and visit all those wonderful landscapes they take place in. my dreams are mostly too long and complex to hold in mind in one piece. very rarely have i been able to capture the whole sequence, to remember enough of it, to attempt to write or speak it. they're just too visually oriented, and not socially on communicatively. i mean how many ways can you say "i was walking along by myself in a forest and i watched a train go by" and how many ways can you say that and expect anyone to want to hear or listen to it. people are addicted to drama and my whole orientation isn't.
Lying motionless behind a low stone wall in the darkness, listening to the soft tread of boots, slowly and inexorably drawing nearer. I hold my breath out of fear of being heard, as the boots gently stop on the far side of the wall. Suddenly my consciousness explodes into a shower of millions of tiny incandescent sparks, burning out in the darkness. I never even heard the shot.