Have You Ever Fallen Asleep While Stretching?

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by -Yggdrasil-, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. -Yggdrasil-

    -Yggdrasil- Einherjar

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    had a pretty exhausting day yesterday quite frankly. I was the only one in the warehouse and I guess 31*C got to me as I walked out the door at 1630 in the afternoon. Cracked open a couple of beers and poured myself some rum and it hit me pretty well at about 7ish when I went off to see what a hot bath would do for my aches and pains. All good there so I got out, smacked a couple bongs and set myself straight and figured I'd do some stretching before bed. Layed on the floor to commence stretching..

    Woke up.

    Not too sure how long I was out for but my leg hurt from over stretching. I'd also fallen into an uncomfortable position in which my arm lost all feeling. I couldn't move it for about a minute but when the pins and needles kicked in my goodness gracious did every flinch of my arm and hand bring up that tingly feeling of pain. It was almost agony although I could not stop laughing at the same time.

    I'd never done that before though falling asleep during a stretch. In general even, just blacking out like that I just must have really been tired.
  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I've fallen asleep on my arms a few times and it went completely dead, couldn't move my arm at all. I actually had to pick it up with my other hand to move it and it felt really weird, totally limp like a dead persons arm would be.
  3. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    yeah i've done that before. i remember one time, i don't know how it happened, but somehow i managed to lift my dead arm up while sleeping, and drop it on my face. it completely scared the shit out of me, because i had no feeling at all in my arm, but i felt a hand that i couldn't identify hitting my face.
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  4. CannbisSouL

    CannbisSouL Smoke 'till you toke. Lifetime Supporter

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    Haha, shit, I've had the same thing happen. I felt a weird hand on my face one morning and got really startled. It turns out one of my arms was just fully asleep/numb and it really felt like someone else was rubbing my face. Weird.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Falling asleep in awkward positions - and waking up in unusual situations = Occupational hazard for a Don Juan
    (ha ha - I wish!) :)
  6. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    I've passed out and halfassly tried catching myself... which didn't end well :D I ended up falling halfway across the room, fell down into a dog crate sitting by the door. Scared the living shit out of a few people when I did that :D Including myself? But I don't recall ever falling asleep while stretching. My arm falls asleep once in a while while I'm sleeping every now and then. Scares the crap out of me! Like "Oh God... I hope this isn't permanent!"

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