Have you ever encountered an nympfo who could not get enough?

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Just for fun, Jun 12, 2021.

  1. Just for fun

    Just for fun Live your best life

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    I did in college. We would do the nasty at her apartment and I would no sooner than roll off of her and she would say "are you ready to do it again?" I dated her for a few months but they were the best and worst months of my college life because of her insistence for sex. She was way over the top on sex. There are probably guys that could keep up but I could never keep up with her. I was glad when I moved away.
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  2. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 grains of diplomacy Lifetime Supporter

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    It sounds like you're describing the last girlfriend I had before I met my wife. She was bat-shit crazy about sex. If I didn't fuck her at least twice a day, she'd start to get cranky. Sometimes she'd drag me back from classes early, just she could strip me and ride my cock! My grades sucked that year.
    Pussytimes likes this.
  3. Just for fun

    Just for fun Live your best life

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  4. MrSoftball

    MrSoftball Guest

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    She was 22 and I was 30. She wanted to do me 3 times a day on average, and I was in heaven for about a year. She was attractive and talented. We were like rabbits. When she finished college she wanted to experience having her own apartment for the first time in her life. Soon she was entertaining the young guys around her and I was dumped and sad. But I am glad a few years later, having learned she is slutty as hell and will never be loyal to anything.
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  5. Micheal9

    Micheal9 Members

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    Never been with one as you guys described, sounds like fun though.

    I would find it hard to keep up with that now that I’m out of my teen years. It would just be a matter of time before they go find new cock or multiple cocks to keep up with them.

    Wouldn’t mind someone who wanted it 3-4 times a week, but the per days are gone for me. Would like a cock hungry female who has some control.
    Pussytimes and Daddy12 like this.
  6. Andy Schumer

    Andy Schumer Visitor

    One was a half nympho at best
    She came over to my place and as we talked and watched some tv she helped herself or asked me to take it out to play with it or give me oral then we would fuck and do other things.

    Once a month when she said she couldn’t have sex but wanted to come over, it always ended up with her helping herself as described above, until I decided that was enough with that one day and fucked her so good she didn’t have issues having sex during that time of the month.

    She wanted to play with my cock in a movie theatre but was worried that I would not be game. Funny thing was I had the same idea

    If I played with her body for a long time she was happy. I sure was
  7. Josephinelcajon

    Josephinelcajon Joseph

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    Only online never in life. A LOT of guys online sound like sex maniacs!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2023
  9. Daddy12

    Daddy12 Daddy

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    Trust me, you run low on electrolytes real quick lol
  10. Tonynewyork6969

    Tonynewyork6969 Members

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    In graduate school. I was 25 she was 22 and a friend of my friends girlfriend. So we met at his place and hit it off. She had a boyfriend but was all over me and asked if we could go back to my place which was down the block. As soon as we got inside she started rubbing my pants pulled out my cock and blew me a bit till i fucked her. From then on it was every morning she came over after her boyfriend fucked her. I went to class she went to work then repeat in the afternoon and she went back to her place to get fucked by him. I had a girlfriend back home who I later married and we are still in touch but she was insatiable. I was also fucking a school friend but both of us did not care. I was unloading at least three times a day .
    Suburbanray and Daddy12 like this.
  11. Daddy12

    Daddy12 Daddy

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    Lmao I’m just with my girl but that sounds like you got a lot of good practice in
  12. Daddy12

    Daddy12 Daddy

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    You should have tried to have a 3some with all these options
  13. Tonynewyork6969

    Tonynewyork6969 Members

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    You are right but that actually never crossed my mind. lol. Although I have had quite a few in my day
  14. Daddy12

    Daddy12 Daddy

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    Lucky guy, Iv never had the pleasure. Were they mfm or fmf?
  15. Tonynewyork6969

    Tonynewyork6969 Members

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    two mfm, a few ffm with different partners, one fffm and some gangbangs.
  16. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    The nympho I encountered I ended up marrying.
    Ray Roberts, Pussytimes and Bob2020 like this.
  17. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Too many to mention.
  18. Bob2020

    Bob2020 Members

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    I did too. We were/are well matched. I am 11 years older and was previously married so let her enjoy some freedom to ‘get it out of her system’. I soon discovered there is no ‘getting it out’ and she is still the same. Love her to bits.
    straightma1e likes this.
  19. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    Yes I dated one the summer before my first year of college. Best summer ever.
    The girl literally wanted to practice giving me blow jobs throughout the week to get better at it.
    That was many years ago, and to this day, a solid dozen gals later - still the best blow jobs I ever had.
    On average we fucked 7-10 times a week, add to that 4-5 blow jobs a week. Add to that I broke up with her after finding out she cheated on me with at least two other dudes. FFS... she was having sex probably 10-15 times a week.
    Pussytimes likes this.
  20. Daretobare

    Daretobare Member

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    My wife went through a stage when she was late 20s. It lasted just under a year. Seemed like it was non stop sex. I got where I begged her to find a friend to get a break. But she wouldn't. I think it had to be a hormone thing that happened
    Ray Roberts and Daddy12 like this.

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