Aw Grandeur : ( Have you researched if there is any support for alcoholism near you? I got very drunk on a coach once and ended up in a police cell. That was one of my worse drinking adventures, but there are plenty more. It's a horrible drug, especially for those of us who it doesn't suit.
Some of us are wise enough to know what our alcohol tolerance level is and never to exceed that tolerance level !!!
Iv'e Always Wanted To Be "Wise"......BUT......Alas... Compared To You....I Feel I Have Fallen Short....LOL... Cheers Glen.
I too like alcohol (wines and spirits, was NEVER a beer drinker), and even used to make my own 'country' wines. Have been known to lay on my settee with a full demijohn (one Gallon jug) on the floor beside me and a syphon tube and sucked the wine through that. Laying on the settee I couldn't fall any further if I did drink too much to make me 'unsteady' on my feet. Nowadays, anno domini has caught up with me and the medical profession frown at me if I drink more than an 'occasional' glass of Brandy.
No, but I've seen a close friend off to the hospital who was unresponsive from drinking. They used a catheter on him and He said it felt like he was "pissing razor blades" for the next few days.
Once when I was 16 That was enough to learn my limits I didnt even really touch alcohol again until I turned 21. It was one of the scariest things to ever happen to me If this happens to you regularly you really should look into some sort of alcohol/drug treatment facility, before you kill yoursel
I've only blacked out drunk one time and did not reach the hospital. People told me I was making jokes, I'm not much of a drinker. I'm not sure how I even drank that much. It was high school I guess it's what you did.