Politely, I said something to someone not wearing a mask, in a situation where I had to be so close to them I could easily have been infected. They went apeshit all over the place. I could half understand some cursing, but I got threatened repeatedly. Obviously, Trumper's have been brainwashed to believe that their rights are infringed upon by masks, and that if anyone dare mention their bare face they should interpret that as harassment, and attack. They really believe we are on the verge of a civil war, with them against "liberals", and that THEY are the violated party. We've all read about waitresses and guards at retail stores being punched for mentioning masks to these people. But this isn't just about masks. I want it to include BLM, encounters with neighbors, relatives, coworkers, etc. Have you ever been treated as a traitor to the nation, and as an ogre, who is out to deny them freedom, merely for disagreeing with them? Have you merely expressed your opinion and been accused of harassment, as the other person harasses you? In person or online?
I've been harrassed and insulted many times in my life for my opinions, my appearance, and what I may have said. But I haven't run into this yet, wearing masks here in Mexico is accepted. We don't have right wing conspiracy nuts down here spreading lies like the Trumpers...THANK GOD! People respect society here, and embrace all kinds of cultures. Something America has forgotten how to do.
That must go with the job when moderating a website and banning the idiots. Here in the UK, most people in the areas that I frequent follow the advice. As you know, natural immunity is part of the key to beating any virus. So as long as only a few people leave their masks off, we will all benefit long-term.
What a sad commentary on how the U.S. - a country FOUNDED and BUILT BY IMMIGRANTS - has descended into this childish type of behavior. This country - the U.S. has become a haven for racist demagogues, Neo-Nazi's and white supremacists - largely encouraged by Trump. But he wasn't the first to start this shift. He just fertilized it with his own brand of sh*t. So now we have "tough guy geniuses" who want to do violence to anyone who disagrees with them and science. If someone tries to rip off MY mask, I see that as an attack on my life since I could then be exposed to Covid-19. I'll have to "stand my ground" by using certain means & methods to safeguard my life, since exposure to Covid-19 might cause my death. If someone were to be so bold - and stupid - to threaten my life or my wife's by ripping off our masks, or in any other way threaten us with bodily harm .......... I have the answer. How in the name of GOD do so many people believe Trump and his never-ending stream of lies about the Covid-19 pandemic and how to handle it???? But soooo many people have sucked down the Trump Covid-19 Kool-Ade that they believe HIM instead of REAL EXPERTS in infectious diseases. And because of that ..... what do we have happening???? 291,000+ people dead and our hospitals overflowing with "Trump believers" who refuse to wear masks. Trump's so-called" advice " on Covid-19 has cost our country millions of jobs because of all the sick and dying people. "It's only 1 person coming in from China. Don't worry - we have it all under control." - Donald Trump. How does that saying go .................... "United we stand .............. divided .............." Putin and Xi couldn't be happier.
You say that you "said something to someone not wearing a mask." You initiated a conversation with someone not wearing a mask. You were in close proximty to that person. You initiated a conversation and the person responded. That's how conversations work. You don't get to pick the response, and we humans can be unpredictable creatures. It didn't turn out the way you hoped or expected, did it? You actually increased your chances of receiving an airborne pathgen aspirated by that person, You increased the chances that anyone else standing nearby would also receive an airporne pathogen aspirated by that person. I'm a fan of masks, for the indefinite future anyway, but you acted contrary to your stated interest. As a general rule, if it isn't your job, don't engage the inebriated, mentally ill, or unmasked. You aren't going to like the result, and you probably aren't going to accomplish anything constructive. A person not wearing a mask is far less dangerous than that same person is with his mouth opening and closing and pointed directly at you. Do not initiate any conversation with another person, unless you really want to have a conversation with that person. Do no try to reason with anyone who is already projecting a lack of reason. If there are magic words, you probably don't know them, and guessing them is unlikely.
I see a guy (via Zoom) once a week for PTSD. Last session, I mentioned how much I'm looking forward to getting inoculated, and reengaging with groups and activities which (pre-pandemic) were good for me. He got all triggered and started blithering all the usual rubbish; vaccines cause autism, Bill Gates, COVID is a bioweapon made in Canada, deaths are intentionally exaggerated, and I'm rigid and authoritarian in my thinking because I'm not open-minded enough to let my brains fall out. No matter how I tried to extricate myself from the conversation, he just kept banging on with his utterly fact-free nonsense, until he finally got off on a tangent of how "people like me want to take away everyone's guns" and how an AR-15 isn't an assault weapon...and that was it; I got sucked right into the vortex. I pointed out that Eugene Stoner specifically designed the AR-15 as an assault rifle; as a better counter to the AK-47 than the M-14, and that the one and only difference between an AR-15 and an M-16 is that the latter is selective fire. He responded that they weren't even the same caliber, to which I responded that was utter nonsense; they both fire a 5.56 mm NATO round. He got all huffy and asked, "Well; have you ever actually fired and M-16 or an AR-15?" "Yeah; both M-16's and AR-15's". With that, he abruptly ended the session. Not at all sure how I feel about continuing in therapy with someone who projects, gaslights, and eschews science for New Agey bullshit.
I surveyed people for over a decade, only to discover that half of them make up their own definitions for words, while almost nobody knew the dictionary merely contains popular definitions. If American politics seem childish and downright insane and irrational, of the Hatfields and McCoy variety, you can blame their teachers. Between them, fundamentalism and academia kill more people than cancer.
....... Yes, a man came at me brandishing a knife, I took it off of him and threw it down and broke his arm in two places in the process.
I wonder if we can expect that same immunity from infections once we've all already been immunized. Then the spread wouldn't kill everything in it's path.
As I am sure that you already know, as long as we are not allowing the number of people needing ICU treatment to overwhelm the hospitals, very few ADDITIONAL people are dying. 2020 UK mortality figures were only 1.5% above average, but without distancing and wearing masks, the ICU units would have been overwhelmed and thousands of people would have died needlessly. I find it hard to imagine what has been happening in the US, but with Trump behaving like a petulant child, I am sure that the final outcome won't be good. Regarding shared immunity from vaccine, I don't know the answer. These days, little research is done on natural immunity or avoidance of medical conditions. It would be interesting to find out several things. My curiosity lies in 2 of them. Whether the spread of covid19 and the resultant pathogenic bacterial formation was lower in coastal areas was lower due to the ozone in the atmosphere. This will be almost impossible to determine, since so many elderly vulnerable people retire to the coast, thus cancelling out any benefits The second is whether people in contact with animals, particularly working with them have a lower rate of infection. All animals have coronavirus in their system, coupled with immunity. The 19 mutation to humans has not spread back into other animals, leading me to assume immunity. If this is the case, would people working with them share their immunity. This is not as farfetched as it may sound, when you consider that milk maids not contracting TB was the birth of antibiotics and vaccines. Life is very confusing....... I sometimes envy people who never think of thinking for themselves at all.
Since others have touched on "herd immunity" as the way to let nature take it's course ................ how about all those who believe it's OK to get around Covid-19 infected people with NO MASK .............. please do so - prove your point by leading the way. Trump is a GENIUS about Covid-19 and other infectious diseases .......... he told the American people that himself. Similar to his comment that he knew more about tactical warfare than ALL "his" generals - Trump also bugled how much smarter he was than all the infectious disease doctors as well. So all the "no maskers" and "herd immunity" people should follow their leader and get into some crowds and groups inside buildings. COME ON .................. get out there among all the people - no mask on ................... and jump-start that "herd immunity" so we can see how this all works. Pay no attention to the FACT that vaccines wiped out small pox, polio, and other diseases ...................... and have PROVEN that vaccines actually work. Just jump right out there and mingle among the crowds ............ of your fellow "true believers" - so the rest of us can watch the "success rate."
Yes I have been threatened, either for being trans or because of some other reason. And its leftists always trying to ban my guns and my right to defend myself from trash. Even trans-women trying to ban guns and be uncle toms about it. And its leftists always complaining about fascism and the big bad government, then does 180 and tells me to trust the big bad gov to make perfectly safe and harmless vaccines. Its always some kind of 180.
Intolerance and ignorance are both rude and unacceptable in my opinion. I've got the willies about the bar crowds - loud, rowdy, and spewing toxicity as they consume alcohol and aim their face at TV screens. Makes me wonder about society because there are literally millions standing ready to defend their ill-begotten positions, all in the name of sounding authoritative or something... It's hard to explain, but I can just hear one in the back of my mind rejecting the premise of toxic masculinity.
I attacked for not wearing a mask, when I was outside, in the open. I don honor the requests of establishments to wear masks.
You have some point about the wisdom of not speaking to them, but your tone . . anyway, a person violating a state mandate in a small confined area is offensive. Maybe it's akin to seeing someone kick their dog. Sometimes, you just say something.
Too close? 81 years old and a death sentence if I get it------BACK THE FUCK UP has worked for me a few times.