Never stabbed, but got beaten up once. I was in 4th grade and snuck up on a 5th grader and kicked him in the ass, then started running away. He caught me.
I got beaten up 2 times when I was drunk. In the first one, my right brow got 10 stiches in the hospital after getting some punches at my face. I didnt feel much pain because of drunkness. In the second one, I just fell down to the ground after getting punch at my face. I had my glasses on my eyes but glasses went away from face after being punched.
@Grandeur I got beaten up too, mate! We're like two peas in a pod. As for stabbed, no but I was threatened by another kid who swung his knife at me. At some point he punched me in the nose; broke it. Then I got punched on a different occasion again breaking my nose. I absolutely detest violence, threats, intimidation, and the behaviors that typically lead to them.
My nose hasn't been broken at least. My right brow got 10 stiches in the hospital in the first one. My right brow went booom. How did your nose become after?
well, to tell you the truth it was crooked for a little while. But my parents were kind enough to finance a new nose!
Not stabbed, but slashed. The culprit slashed at my wrist and drew blood. I grabbed his arm and smashed it against a lamp post, breaking it in two places. He went to hospital and his arm was in plaster for six weeks. I went home, slapped a bandage on my bleeding wrist and went to bed. I was fine, he wasn't !!!
My brother was stabbed; and a friend of mine was stabbed. They both lived but the friend just barely. My brother was stabbed in the back, between his kidney and his lung, because he bumped someone who was playing pool.
I edited but too late. My brother was stabbed in the back, between his kidney and his lung, because he bumped someone who was playing pool. The teenager that was stabbed was stabbed multiple times in the upper torso. It's been a long time so I don't remember details.