Yeah, lol. Everyone likes to tell me you shouldn't feed carrots to rabbits often but I waive that info, bugs ate carrots, and I'll be damned if I'm letting anyone tell me the small parts of my childhood I remember, were false. #PlutoISaPlanet
i've been cat. large and small. and fox, mustalid, leamer and red panda. well in my mind. but not really lived them on this world. the sapeint people on other worlds i may have lived on in previous lives, may have looked something like, well every sapeint populated world, evolution is independent and so people of that world look not much like people of another world. that's how i think about it. and what may evolve billions of years down the line if/after, humans wipe themselves out, or come so close to doing so as to be forced to evolve other forms to survive the resulting world. so no, i think i've actually been some other terrestrial life form, but people on one of my imaginary worlds are born looking like halfway between a cat and a red panda, with kind of olivish green fur with leopard rosettes of a darker green. you know, i live stories when i read them, and i've read a lot that are told from the perspective of feral or uplifted creatures. so in that sense. yes of course i've read watership down, though i don't remember it very well. and the redwall stories and the welkin weasils. the last wasn't rabbits, but redwall, were mixed species societies, that featured rabbits. oh and of course there's judy hopps in zootopia. but i wasn't her or any of the characters in the story, just a passerby observing, probably again my cat-sona as in the my avitar up there.
Do I sometimes let my rabbits cover me in their scent so the other rabbits will come and play with me and be my friend?? Yup, omg so WHUT!