The word cult means many things to many people. Are we talking robes, new sneakers, and special punch cults? Or maybe the mormons (they're a cult to some people)? Or what? I was a mormon for a while does that count? I've never been in a good cult -- but I'm still looking.
yeah yeah yeah i've been in thoudands of cults technically answer however you wanthowever the question strikes you -- which is exactly what you did
Frankly, the most cultish group I was a part of was a fundamentalist church. I won't name the denomination (pentecostal though) but there were some freaky things in that church. Dating was off limits... you were expected to have an accountability partner to keep you from "sexual temptation" aka if you jerk off your supposed to tell your buddy about it... you must speak in toungs and be filled with the holy spirit... the pastor was the unquestionable authority from God (questioning him was disobedience)... I was at that chuch 5-6 days out of seven... everyone who wasn't part of the church was being misled by satan... everything you do should concern God, saving others, and the church since the rapture is going to happen any second... etc. It was a real freaky experience. My mom is still semi-involved in that movement. I went through the whole thing after I stopped believing but I had to pretend. Had I not pretended I would suffer constant meetings with the pastors, possible attempted exorcism, or even been thrown out of my house. I know... thinking back this does seem like a bad dream. It made my teenage years great. Imagine being a freethinking hippie in that environment. I had a friend who was forbidden to talk to me for over a month because I admitted that I have willfully lied in the past. His mom didn't want my bad influence on her son. It was fun. But we didn't get robes, punch, or to dance with rattlesnakes... I missed out.
I was convinced that I started one, back when I was twelve... don't know why... I was so weird as a kid...
yeah, back when I was 20 I was in a group of Seventh day Advenstists called "Davidians" it was a really weird thing with compounds and everything. It was awful. I am still healing today.
Ive allways wanted to join a cult, but MBNA just isnt what i am looking for. Line used in my exit interview, from an evil telemarketing job selling credit cards. The people their seem very cultish it was werid. we dident have robes but we had to wear a tie.... thats almost a robe right?
i grew up in utah and until i was 12 was forced to go to the mormon church...i consider that a cult. the indoctrination that goes on in that place is heavy...especially when your a child, thank god i got out of there and my mind was able to recover....crazy mormons
I read somewhere this list of signs your church/group is unsafe. It included: >The leader should not be questioned >It is the only way, all others are wrong >You are discouraged to learn about other beliefs/religions >You are forced or made to participate in practices before you are personally ready to That's friggin scary, friend, I'm sorry youn had to go through that. Of course, in the end it makes you stronger, so
Is anyone familiar with the International Churches of Christ (the Boston Movement)? I was invilved with that group back in the mid-90s, and there is a lot of information about them being a cult, or having cult-like doctrines. I have heard of Silver Star, but don't know much about them.
Cults allow you take giant steps. Churches are a mockery of any spiritualty or self-search; only in a cult you feel any connection at all, yet I think ultimately, it is you yourself you need to get to know. And that can be done even by your own lonesome self.